Member Profile:

Catalina M

Activity Director From California, United States

42 Comment

Catalina M 6th Jun 2024 Activity Director


I am very sad to have to leave Golden Carers. I'm not longer work in the Baldwin Garden Nursing Home, as a Activity Director. For the reason I need to cancel the membership.
It was an enormous help on my projects and programs for our residents and the staff.
I would like to thank you everybody who make possible to bring the programs for the residents.
Catalina Seymour.
Catalina M 19th Jan 2024 Activity Director

Trivia about Chinese New Year 2024 - Year of the Dragon

Thank You so much. I work in a small facility and our residents love your kinds of bingos. Baking Bingo. Thank you again.
Catalina Seymour
Activity leader
10 beautiful, sandess years working for our facility.
Baldwin Garden Nursing Center. LA
Catalina M 1st Jan 2024 Activity Director


Thank you golden carers. My residents love your quality of Bingo games.
You all beautiful people that love to share and provide us.
Happy New to all.
Catalina Seymour. BGNC Activity Leader.
Catalina M 23rd May 2023 Activity Director


I just want to thank you so much for you having so much fun creating us activities for our residents. They love Bingo.
Thank you<>
Catalina M 9th Jan 2023 Activity Director

Chinese New Year Find-a-Word

I am Catalina Seymour, I work for BGNC in LA California for 9 years.
I'm activity leader, I love my job, and thank you and Golden Cares for propose the beautiful ideas, I have succed in mine tasks at work.
Catalina M 14th May 2022 Activity Director

Bird Bingo

Thank you Golden Carers. Our residents love all kind of Bingos that you have provided for them, thank you again. Baldwin Garden Nursign Center.
Catalina M 25th Aug 2021 Activity Director

How to Host a Country & Western Themed Party

Thank you! We really enjoy your great ideas with the residents and staff.
From Baldwin Gardens Nursing Center. CA
Catalina M 9th Feb 2020 Activity Director

How to Host a Mardi Gras Parade

I am very thankful for all your help to encourage our residents to participate with your amazing programs, I practice one by one most of the time. They love card games, and holidays adventures.Thank You.Baldwin Gardens Nursing Center.
Catalina. A.D
Catalina M 8th Jul 2019 Activity Director

Travel Bingo

Dear Golden Carers;
Thank you for all yours suggestion to keep our residents full of energy of enthusiast will share their places where they had been
Hawaii is one of the most places they had visiting
Ways to play and have fun
set the table\
trivia before we go to a nice vacation
background Hawaiian music
Hawaiian snacks
and let's go to Hawaii
Catalina M 23rd Apr 2019 Activity Director

Nurses Quiz
