We can use our white boards for games like Yahtzee and other word games while keeping or 6” apart. I am asking families to drop off special goods like their favorite candy or photo album.
Also we are going to start using the phrase, physical distancing. The community I work with didn’t like the idea of social distancing.
The new guild lines that are being implemented is that we will not be having activities. Now I’m thinking of ideas for those that will be lonely and scared. I have a few that will be happy with crosswords and word finds. But others that can not do those things with out my activities staff helping them. Hoping some of you are willing to share a few ideas.
Hello Golden Cares Friends. I am racking my brain to come with a vast variety of activities to put on my community calendar that won’t cross contamination each other. I have a few things that can be regularly disaffected like PVC pipe, dominoes, plastic dice. Let’s see how many ideas we can share!
I have a case of the Mean Girl syndrome. I want to/Need to turn this culture around and make more positive because we have hurt feelings for a couple of residents the have dementia. Even though someone has dementia they have feelings.
I am loving the Golden Carers membership. I am finding great resources that I used on the first day of membership. The membership is of much value working as both an Activities Director, and also an Activities Consultant. I look forward to continuing to use the site and also the forum.
Christabel Smith Activities Director/Business Owner United States
Chocolate Holiday Trees