Member Profile:


Service Coordinator From Ohio, United States

6 Comment

Dawn 22nd May 2024 Service Coordinator


What strategies will you use to get residents to attend your activities?
What types of activities would you like to schedule?
How will you promote your activities and events?
How do you handle feedback, both positive and negative?
How do you plan and stay organized?
What factors do you consider when planning events?
How many activities do you aim to plan per week?
How would you evaluate the success of an event?
Dawn 24th Jan 2023 Service Coordinator

Morning Annoucements

We don't have a PA system, but we do have a program called One Call Now. It's a subscription service. We can record messages or type them in. Then they go out as a phone call to the whole group or to chosen smaller groups. It has really helped us to get information out without going door to door or leaving notes.
Dawn 11th Jan 2023 Service Coordinator


Last year, I had coffee mugs donated from a local bank. I put a "mug cake" mix, lollipop and birthday button in each mug. Then, I wrapped it up in a cellophane bag and attached a birthday card. It was a big hit.
Dawn 17th Aug 2022 Service Coordinator


What about using the Arm Chair travel and cover a different country each month?
Dawn 2nd Jun 2021 Service Coordinator


The Armchair Travel on this website is awesome! You can do everything from watching you tube to playing music to tasting food while you learn about different countries.
Dawn 31st Mar 2021 Service Coordinator

Armchair Travel to India

My residents absolutely love the armchair travel series!