Member Profile:


From Ontario, Canada

1 Comment

Lisa 17th Jun 2021


I have a resident who picks prizes and donates to homeless (scarfs, mitts, headbands). We have a budget and shop at the dollar store, Dollar tree is opening up here next month. They do like to save on toiletries. Large Print word searches are a hit. Can't forget the hard candy ! When Ontario was in lockdown and I couldn't shop I made little gift cards that said "good for a tim hortons donut" as I could still do drivethrough with less contact or "good for $3" - thats how much to do laundry is. Then I did loonies. I'd switch back and forth to keep it interesting. Also put word out on my personal FB that If any of my friends were doing spring cleaning we would love knick knack donations (cleaned and from clean homes safely). I have regular bingo people so I have asked what they would like to see on table, don't be shy to ask they have great ideas !