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Carer/activity Assistant From Queensland, Australia

1 Activity

8 Comment

Bobbie 10th Jul 2024 Carer/activity Assistant

Poetry Club

Thank you for sharing Marine, I have a few would be poets, individually they write poems, the idea of a "poets club" is fantastic, I have put it to the small group and their response is fantastic.
Thank you
Bobbie Winger 24th Mar 2023 Carer/activity Assistant

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: April Activity calander
Bobbie 9th Feb 2023 Carer/activity Assistant


Thank you for your suggestions,
Using extra people is not an option :)

I will look into a cooler , great idea and thank you .
Bobbie 2nd Feb 2023 Carer/activity Assistant


A problem which I hope someone can assist with,
when doing an ice cream run, how do you keep the ice-cream from melting?
I can't do it any faster, I have tried sitting the ice-cream bucket in a tray of ice, nothing seems to work.
How do others overcome this issue?
Bobbie 2nd Jan 2023 Carer/activity Assistant


Just starting the Leisure and lifestyle course through Open Colleges, if anyone is keen for a study buddy, drop me a line ;)
Bobbie Winger 1st Jan 2023 Carer/activity Assistant

Large Inflatable Dice for Memory Care

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Math Dice
Bobbie 3rd Dec 2022 Carer/activity Assistant


Hello Marady,
I am in the same position as you, new to the Lesure and Lifestyle role, I have found a few things through this site and on the web, I have just introduced , balloon tennis (fly swats and balloons) our residents love this, as well as Ball drums, large exercise balls in a basket and music they can hit the beat too.
I have just purchased a set of three dice and looking for ideas, the dice are large around 12 inches square.

have fun Bobbie
Bobbie 3rd Dec 2022 Carer/activity Assistant


I have just purchased large dice i have three, does anyone have ideas on games I can use in our facility?