Member Profile:


From Arizona, United States

1 Comment

Amy 18th Apr 2024


I'm thrilled to have found Golden Carers! I work at a church, and have used the activities for our bimonthly memory cafe, as well as with our youth group which volunteers in a memory care unit twice a month. I am actually the Children's Minister, so many of the activities can also be used with the children. Saint Patrick's Day fell on a Sunday, so the St. Pat's bingo/trivia was a hit! I also work part-time for an elderly man with early dementia. The other day I talked to him about doing some "mental exercises" in addition to his physical exercises. We spent a half an hour with activities from Golden Carers, and had a ball. He absolutely loved the exercises and said that it made him feel good that he could do them. His daughter was so pleased that I did this with him, and now Golden Carers fun will be part of my twice a week shift. Thanks so much!