I am looking for some ideas for guest speakers, the facility has very able people right through to those who require memory support. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
local school teachers,councilors,polce and fire brigade.A variety of health speakers are usually keen to speak.
4th Nov 2017
Check with you colleges for guest speakers who might come out for free or low cost. I have one lady who speaks once a month and she charges $75. Contact the local Alzheimer's Association to see if they can come once a month and do a talk - maybe include family members.
Golden carers has helped improve my role as Engagement and activities practitioner, so many great ideas and activities available. This page has made my life so much easier, when I'm stuck for my own ideas i head over have a look what's new and a whole new world opens up. I have used Golden carers everyday since being in my new role, its amazing. Thank you to everyone that contributes.
Helen Babbage-Peart Engagement And Activity Co-ordinator United Kingdom