Greetings, It is at least one week now since I discovered this website. I can assure you that I am very, very much delighted to be a member. All the information that I receive each day and as I navigate on this website I am not only learning how to deal with the elderly, but also many activities that will help my team and I to contribute to their well-being. Thank you very much for your interest and your help. Be blessed!
Thank you for your fantastic resources which I have utilised for some time now for the Golden Age Club which our church has run for almost 40 years. Thanks again, you provide a very valuable service which in the years to come will no doubt be more relevant as our population ages.
It is at least one week now since I discovered this website. I can assure you that I am very, very much delighted to be a member. All the information that I receive each day and as I navigate on this website I am not only learning how to deal with the elderly, but also many activities that will help my team and I to contribute to their well-being. Thank you very much for your interest and your help. Be blessed!
A big "THANK YOU" from French Guiana