Pet Therapy, We are based in Perth,SOR. Unfortunately our Pet Handler and her dog has retired. We are wondering who else we can contact? It doesn't have to be a dog.
Hi, Megan, you could try the RSPC (Royal Society for Protection of Animals). They sometimes take dogs to visit elders in care facilities. Also, you could put a request on your newsletter. Perhaps residents' relatives have a kitten or a dog they could bring for a couple of hours a week. Failing that there are professional Therapy Dogs programs that visit people in nursing homes, community villages, and other aged care facilities. They o charge a small fee.
We really enjoyed ourselves!! This web-site is the BEST. I have set aside the other resources at my facility since I discovered Golden Cares. I am so thankful for all the work that has gone into this site. It makes my life as a recreation coordinator enjoyable. Thank you
Rebecca LuAllen Activities Assistant In LTC United States
We are based in Perth,SOR. Unfortunately our Pet Handler and her dog has retired. We are wondering who else we can contact? It doesn't have to be a dog.