Getting to know you. !! Have the residents tell each other about their lives. Different topics every time. E.g What they did for work. Entertainment. Holidays. The list is endless.
A stroll down memory lane. In Ireland we have a magazine called Ireland's Own and each issue they have these 1 page stories called Just a Memory. They are excellent for getting conversation going among residents and there's no pressure to remember as the the story provided the prompt
I’m loving your website, it’s been a great help to me over the last six months since I started my new role. Lots of hints and tips, great activities, and it’s great that we can contribute too. It’s fantastic to have such a universal source of information, how we have a common goal and language despite our worldwide locations. Thank you!
Rolling back the years ... any more ideas please
Tell me about your favorite memories
The recollection of Yesteryears!
What they did for work. Entertainment. Holidays. The list is endless.