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Lisa 23rd Jan 2020 Activities for Seniors
Hello All,

I have several people who are HARD OF HEARING.
I'm looking for activities - GROUP ACTIVITIES, to include them.
We play bingo, cards and hangman. It difficult because their hearing is poor.


Susan 23rd Jan 2020 Activity Director
If their site is good then you can always use large cards for them to see such as suggested on this activity
This article will help you as well
Here is another article

In general activities that do not rely on hearing are the best
Exercise Where are you show people what to do
Coloring is always good
Hand massages and manicures
If you need more help let us know
Lisa 25th Jan 2020 Activities for Seniors
Thank you SUSAN!
Susan 25th Jan 2020 Activity Director
You are very welcome always glad to help

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