Our residents enjoy Word Bingo, I change the words for the season or holiday it is fun for everyone including me. Coupled with the Word Bingo activity, we play Word to Word as a warm-up. We have played it individually, on teams and one large group.
I use blank cards and make my own cards as needed. Time consuming but easy enough and reusable! I have USA states, OKLAHOMA history, presidents, some printed off other sites, back to school, super bowl, zoo, JINGO (bought at g-sale) Spring and thanksgiving I use at least once a month to change things up :)
Happy New Year,we play Bingo in our facility every Friday and with the support of our wonderful and caring volunteers,it's free n our facility pays for little prizes,chocolates and biscuits to use as winning prizes,we also have a lot of donations from family members as well as volunteers.and that makes it very excieting for our residents.I shall try this new word game.thanks Louise.
Thanks, my residents look forward to Bingo every Monday so it will be nice to offer an alternative for something different. Probably doesn't matter, but I'm just wondering why toenail appears twice.
We play Hoi which is the same as Bingo but with cards. Use old packs of cards. Make up mixed sets of 8. Glue on an A4 and laminate. Use a pack of extra large Cards shuffled. You can call and show them which is great for hearing impaired and non English speaking. Milk bottle tops for markers.
25th Sep 2018
Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator
I play Hoi as a card game. So Shuffle normal sizedcards, hand out as normal card game. Amount of cards will depend on players. Then I use the large cards as my calling card set. I try to do it quite fast so as to make rolls concentrate. It’s v popular. I give little chocolate prizes.
My residents enjoy playing Bingo every Monday morning with some wonderful volunteers. We have small prizes, which they all enjoy. We have also been playing "Aussie Memory Bingo" for a bit more of a challenge.
Bingo is an absolute favourite with our residents! Whenever there is a day to celebrate, we make a BINGO game to suit the occassion eg St Patricks Day, Valentines day, Australia day. It's a breeze to download some suitable pics from clip art and make up your own cards...get the residents to help you do the gluing! ENJOY! Jen
Love bingo afternoons. I put together a special bingo for the queens jubilee. Black&white illustrations of family members including favourite horse, dogs, royal landmarks and countries (sovereign). Created lots of conversation and enjoyment.
I just want to thank you so very much for a wonderful website. Love, Love, LOVE IT! There are soo many great ideas for games that many of them are on my calendar. Who would of thought that the greatest people with the best ideas are on this website. I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon it.