Would love to share here regarding terminology to create greater sense of wellness and connectedness....
I have come across the use of the phrasing - PHYSICAL DISTANCING while socially engaging - and find it allows people to feel less 'socially isolated'…. How does that sound to you? Would this phrasing be a more friendly and caring way of addressing our present circumstances for and with the elders we care for and work with ? It still respects the present guidelines offered by official bodies regarding the situation at hand. Would Golden Carers and membership appreciate such a phrasing ? Very sincerely, Joelle
I like the term physical distancing better than social distancing I hope we get some more responses Thank you for sharing your thoughts Joelle
5th May 2020
I prefer "physical distancing" better. I feel like it makes more sense than "social distancing". I hope I can remember to use that term myself. Thank you for such a great suggestion! Terrie
This website has been such a tremendous asset to me in providing such great ideas. The clients have enjoyed the picture bingo, quizzes and I am looking forward to doing word ladders with them for the first time very soon. I also print out crosswords and word searches and make up booklets for them to do in their rooms. I will be definitely rejoining.
Would love to share here regarding terminology to create greater sense of wellness and connectedness....
I have come across the use of the phrasing - PHYSICAL DISTANCING while socially engaging - and find it allows people to feel less 'socially isolated'…. How does that sound to you?
Would this phrasing be a more friendly and caring way of addressing our present circumstances for and with the elders we care for and work with ? It still respects the present guidelines offered by official bodies regarding the situation at hand. Would Golden Carers and membership appreciate such a phrasing ?
Very sincerely,
I hope we get some more responses
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Joelle
I hope I can remember to use that term myself.
Thank you for such a great suggestion!