Hi, my name is Shanti. I’m from Indonesia. I am very keen on doing some community service for the senior citizens in my city. As we all are aware of the current pandemic situation , the rules of our country do not permit elderly to step out of their homes for next few months. So i thought that since elders are confined to their homes , I could maybe contribute service by making something like a memory boosting box with activities and props and distribute to all elders. I think that some memory game like activities could help them keep their minds active while staying at home. Since the elderly are more prone to diseases like dementia and alzimer’s maybe some activities on those lines ! Am looking for ideas and suggestions and resources that could help me fill up my brain boost box !! Can someone help me?
I was hesitant at first to sign up for another website for activities, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It has been fun to search all you have to offer and during Covid-19 your site has helped me and our other Life Enrichment Coordinator so much. I truly appreciate all you do and provide. It just gets better all the time. Our residents love the word searches because they are so bold and clear. We have used many of your ideas and I’m so grateful! Thank you!
Jeannie Butcher Life Enrichment Coordinator United States
I will share what you others have done
Read the comments also for more ideas
This article but help you all so as well as the comments
Do not forget the power of a phone call
A call that is caring and concerning is always a good idea
Thank you so much for doing this I’m sure you will improve the lives of many people