I'm a Senior Center Director and miss our seniors during the COVID19. Blessed with amazing community volunteers and two staff members along with myself home delivering meals to 119 people in 89 homes. Word find ,adult coloring books, crossword puzzles are things we've delivered but the most fun they are having is playing in home bingo. We delivered paper bingo cards to everyone and each time we make food deliveries we send a newsletter that includes updates on center friends as well as 20 bingo numbers. They're asked to call a center council member who verifies the bingo and let's me know who we need to deliver prizes and a new card to.
I hope you can help Lynette I found this comment you made and I thought it was very good I hope it will help Lynette Here are some more ideas about activity packs https://www.goldencarers.com/coronavirus/
Hi, I have made color or black and white copies of my memory games (flip the card and find the match) too.
I have so many pictures of our past parties and events, so I use those in my "Elderday Photo Albums", too. This helps the more dementia challenged folks remember us and their friends.
I went to the dollar store and stocked up on those "french fry baskets" and I have sent them home with some yarn for a simplified weaving activity that can be re-used.
I cant rate this site high enough. The activities and ideas are fantastic, varied and very relevant to our service. I log on every morning to see what's new and I'm always printing and using your materials. Honestly the best site I know of to provide activities for older people.