Hi Sunya Think about how badly you need the money you may want to postpone the fundraiser until times are better although we don’t know when that will be
You can modify some of the activities suggested here so you can do things online instead person to person You can give out gift card as a prize You can collect money using Zelle or some other form of online payment If you need to collect money you can put it in a sterilizer so it is sterile and won’t pass on germs If you are looking for free things you might want to try some of these although I don’t know how friendly they are during the coronavirus https://www.goldencarers.com/optimal-activities---marketing-fundraising-sourcing-free-resources/5105/
I just want to reassure you that Golden Carers is worth every penny. I have been using your resources for many years now in various organisations. Thank you, you make my job so much easier and interesting for the residents.
Think about how badly you need the money you may want to postpone the fundraiser until times are better although we don’t know when that will be
You can modify some of the activities suggested here so you can do things online instead person to person
You can give out gift card as a prize
You can collect money using Zelle or some other form of online payment
If you need to collect money you can put it in a sterilizer so it is sterile and won’t pass on germs
If you are looking for free things you might want to try some of these although I don’t know how friendly they are during the coronavirus