Hi Arnitra I’m sure you will be very happy but this site because there are many helpful members who are very creative and of course helpful There are several ways to start a Calendar There is a free Calendar article which is pretty self-explanatory but if you have questions feel free to ask them
I have been in this field for close to 15 years. I came across your website initially because I was searching for a shared, personal forum with other professionals in my field that was not attached to random advertising and monthly fees. After discovering your website which hosted a forum that was exactly what I was looking for, as well as providing a mountain of resources that didn’t require you to follow several external links to get to, and to top it off no monthly recurring fee...Jackpot!
William Bedingfield Life Enrichment Director United States
I’m sure you will be very happy but this site because there are many helpful members who are very creative and of course helpful
There are several ways to start a Calendar
There is a free Calendar article which is pretty self-explanatory but if you have questions feel free to ask them
You can also use the toolkit
Let me know if you need more help