Hi Robert, we have a mens group and they originally met for the first time to discuss just what it was they wanted to achieve all meeting together. So now they have discussions on various subjects e.g. world wars, current affairs, snooker and lunch at the local RSL, paint the outdoor furniture on 2 days a year, assembled planter boxes for the garden, put together other residents flat pack furniture, build models of dinosaurs, cars, volcano, work trolleys etc. They just do something each week from the list of 'interests' they put forward in the first session. Sometimes they have a mens only bbq, where only the men can cook but everyone is welcome to have cocktails sausages on a piece of bred for afternoon tea. They have gone to a rugby match, played marbles and dominoes and generally have a laugh. It is wonderful to see and also very well attended. Hope some of these ideas have helped you. Good luck!
17th Jun 2013
To Robert who is setting up the men's club. I have the Lion's Club members come in for morning tea once a fortnight. They chat and reminisce with our men. We get resources off the internet to start them off. Google "Australian inventions that changed the world" and "gadgets that we can't live without". Hope this helps. Christine
To Robert. Our men's group took a trip to the local 'Around Again" a second hand shop connected to the local tip. Along with lots of reminiscing we purchased a wooden outdoor setting. With much sanding, oiling, beer drinking and mateship we now have a wonderful outdoor space to meet. The guys are now working on some of the facilities wooden park benches that need sanding and oiling. It takes time but that is what it is all about.
19th Jul 2013
Hello Robert and to all fellow Golden carers members. I found this wonderful lady by the name of Erika Blackett , who founded "Forever Young" Mobile men's shed. It was a wonderful experience for our male residents who were engaged for nearly 2hrs. Topics included were Sports, automobile, gardening and gadgets. She even brought a simple hole reel that you can purchase from Bunnings warehouse for $9.95 for them to assemble. We got some great ideas from her to set up and use for future men's groups . Her number is : 0423 434 444. Unfortunately she is Melbourne based. She is well worth the price for the time she is there. Some of our male residents are non commutative, really came out of their shell. That was a priceless moment. Regards Fil.
I found this wonderful lady by the name of Erika Blackett , who founded "Forever Young" Mobile men's shed. It was a wonderful experience for our male residents who were engaged for nearly 2hrs. Topics included were Sports, automobile, gardening and gadgets. She even brought a simple hole reel that you can purchase from Bunnings warehouse for $9.95 for them to assemble. We got some great ideas from her to set up and use for future men's groups . Her number is : 0423 434 444. Unfortunately she is Melbourne based. She is well worth the price for the time she is there. Some of our male residents are non commutative, really came out of their shell. That was a priceless moment.
Regards Fil.