Hi everyone, are their any AO,s out there working as an activity officer & finding that their jobs are also starting to include nursing and domestic duties, is this legal and are we covered by insurance if someone gets hurt while we are completing the nursing tasks as we cannot join the nurses unions to get support as we are DT's, Rao'S or AAO's these days depending on where we work. Also I find many AO's Are now not being recognised as an AO they are being employed as pcws or carers instead. looking forward to hearing your views on this subject as these new roles are beginning to take over my job and I am feeling very undervalued by my employer's.
24th Aug 2013
Recreational Activity Officer
Totally agree with where you are heading with this question. At my work place RAO's have been called in to do AINs jobs when it is a day they are an RAO (as an RAO I am never replaced if I am sick or on leave), RAO's are asked to fill in , in the kitchen when they are short staffed. AIN's have had to attend training, an RAO is expected to be the only staff member in the section. As Activity Officers we are paid less than AIN's or PCAs. Very often others think we do nothing. Maybe I should be a AIN who can go home and not look for new activities and ways to stimulate my residents, I certainly do not have the time to come up with new activities within my work environment. Maybe my problem is I just care too much. The recent .35 cent increase recently really doesn't go very far. I have raised the legal question are we covered, to be told by management other staff are only as far away as the call assist buzzers. This is not really an answer.
Hi, Have you considered getting in touch with The Department of Health and Ageing ? Invite the Accreditation Agency to pay your facility a visit ! I am a Lifestyle Coordinator at 52 Resident aged care facility and My Daily Activity program for my Residents must be adhered to. Occasionally there are staff meetings that are covered by lifestyle assistant and I would run the activity and postpone my admin duties for later. We must advocate for our residents !
It's really wonderful to see our clients so engaged with the puzzles and word searches, the Trivia is really popular and our participants get a buzz out of getting the answers correct. Golden Carers is our "Go To" resource on a weekly basis and it is rewarding for our working day to add it to our activity programs.
Nicole Bieshaar Activity + Respite Worker Australia
I have raised the legal question are we covered, to be told by management other staff are only as far away as the call assist buzzers. This is not really an answer.