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Anatole 16th Sep 2023 Geriatrics Professional
Hello you all, I've been doing activities with older adults for some time now. I have worked in both assisted living and in memory care. I recognize the importance of hearing what others find most successful and rewarding to their peeps. I have just taken a job as engagement director of memory and al at a brand new community. This community is trying to raise the bar in senior care. Please will you provide a list of the essential programs for AL and memory care, so I can roll those out promptly. Thanks!
Susan 18th Sep 2023 Activity Director
Hi Anatole
I wish you great success
I assume the residents are already at your facility?
It is important to include them and planning what you are going to do
You can have a great activity calendar, but if no one wants to do what on it what good is it?
Celyn, make sure to include some of their interests
You may have to modify some of the active days so they can participate in them
With all that said
Music is a great tool. There are many activities you can do that include music.
Also reminiscing and trivia and exercise or a combination there of life is great
Anatole 21st Sep 2023 Geriatrics Professional
I am grateful for your thoughtful response. Thank you, Susan. I would enjoy using you as a support in the future.

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