I have been working as an activities officer now for 20 years. Also taking care of our facially when we have no D.T. I was asked to step in to her shoes many times over. I do not have my cert as D.T can anyone help with this. Or just a cert as A.O. Looking forward to your response.
I didn't think DT's were around anymore? Certificate 4 in Leisure & Lifestyle is what you are looking for (in Victoria anyway). Im halfway through my Diploma in Leisure & Health at the moment ... to go further is to go to uni and do the DT course
10th Feb 2015
The Diversional Therapy Course has been replaced with Lifestyle & Leisure .Cert 4 and diploma available. Although cert 3 Agedcare incorporates Lifestyle & Leisure Known as Cert 3 health & Leisure . The Diversional therapy association still exists although only recognises certificates obtained through certain providers .
Certificate 4 in Leisure & Lifestyle is what you are looking for (in Victoria anyway). Im halfway through my Diploma in Leisure & Health at the moment ... to go further is to go to uni and do the DT course