End of Year Message 2023

End of Year Message 2023

Found In: Activities

The more I read this year online, the more I realize that while I actually thought caregiver burnout was at its height in the middle of the pandemic, senior living Activity Professionals are burning out now, nearly 4 years after the start of COVID.
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** End of the Year Message 2023 **

As I sit here at my computer, in the quiet that happens in my house after the dishes have been loaded in the dishwasher, the dog let out one last time, and after my teen son heads to bed, I’m thinking of you. Actually, I’m worrying about you a little bit. The more I read this year online, the more I realize that while I actually thought caregiver burnout was at its height in the middle of the pandemic, senior living Activity Professionals are burning out now, nearly 4 years after the start of COVID.

I’m wondering how you are, really. I wish I could invite you into my home, pour you a cup of coffee, and make you banana bread. I wish I could look in your eyes and see if signs of fatigue are behind that twinkle you put on for the residents. I wish I could ask the right questions so you could tell me what’s making you cry on the way home from work, and what’s making things dark right now.

What would I tell you? Well, between sips of coffee, I’d share the thing I’ve learned from living in the heart of the Midwest, where the sun sets at 4:30 pm in the winter and the cold winds shake the windows and blow snow under the door frame: the light is coming. When everything feels dark and cold, you hunker down, focus on what you can control, and you wait for the light.

So this year, at the end of this year when we’re supposed to be navigating a post-pandemic world that is – well, weird – if you’re facing burnout, I want to encourage you to hunker down, focus on what you can control, and wait for the light.

Hunkering down might look like readjusting your focus to the things that you love about your job, like spending time with residents or planning your next themed event. It might be choosing to delegate some tasks so that you can find breathing room, even if it is just a few minutes of quiet at your desk. It might be remembering what brings you joy and what makes you feel like you can conquer the world. (Picture me dancing in my kitchen to a soundtrack made up of Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift, and Hozier.)

Perhaps you need to focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t. New administrator wanting you to make sweeping changes to your activity program? Ok. Take it one step at a time, choosing to control your approach. Are staffing changes making you do double the work in the same amount of time? Ok. Prioritize and control how you feel about yourself and your efforts. Know that you’re doing your best. Have vacation days that are still sitting in your bank? Take them.

Maybe you’re hanging on, hunkering down, and already focusing on what you can control, but things are still hard. I see you. I’ve been there. And let me tell you from the other side that light is coming. Soon, you’ll find that there are more laughs in your care plan meetings, that there are more thank-you emails from family members in your inbox, and that there are more times when you feel like you are living out your purpose. More thriving, less surviving.

No one said that senior care was easy, and I certainly won’t be the first. It’s challenging, exhausting, and can leave you feeling wrung out by the time you punch out to go home for the day. But in those dark seasons, when everything is hard or impossible, light is surely coming.

So tonight, in the darkness of my house, when it’s been pitch black out my windows since 4:45 pm this afternoon, I am lighting a candle for you. I am turning up Foo Fighters and hoping you are dancing too, wherever you are in the world.

Because you deserve all the kitchen dance parties, all the candles, all the twinkle lights. You are the light for the residents you serve and you deserve to feel the sunshine on your face again soon.

Whether you’re in the dark or in the light, I’m on your team. I’m cheering you on, putting on the coffee and slicing the banana bread for you, because I know what you’re doing for those around you.

Sending all the love and light as we close out 2023 and move to 2024.

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Vickey 20th Jan 2024 Center Manager
I have been doing this rewarding work for over 30 years, but the last 4 I can honestly say have been the most challenging. I am thinking that this year is the year to pass the torch on to a new generation who has a little more spring in their step and a little more shine in their eyes. I will definitely be sharing this resource with the new person. One of my favorites is the Armchair Travel. I love the message you sent Haley, and can see the light at the end of my tunnel. I will be dancing in my kitchen to Shania Twain and the Eagles, but I am willing to give the Foo Fighters a shot too! Many blessings to you all. Continue the good fight!
Susan 9th Jan 2024 Activities Director
Thank you for the inspiring words. They are much needed. This is my 4th year and i can feel the burn-out rolling in. I'm right along with others when i say this website has been a huge blessing to me. Thank you, for all you do to keep our residents entertained!

Susan from Illinois
Michele Lint 8th Jan 2024
Dear Haley,
I want to thank you so much for your beautiful end of year message. Brought tears to my eyes and thank you for acknowledging the difficulties we face in this job. We all try our best, we need to remember and rejoice in the kind things that we do, when we reflect in this way we feel good about ourselves and it keeps us going.
Thanks for the slice of banana bread!! Haha
Michele :)
Lyudmyla 2nd Jan 2024 Activities Coordinator
Without your resources I would never make it. Thank you for all you do. Have you read my heart and my soul? I feel like you have. Thank you for being on our side and walking in our shoes. May God bless you abundantly for your golden caring heart.
Lisa 30th Dec 2023 Activity Assistant
Thank You, I felt you looking into my soul. Hitting the nail on the head! ???? Been doing memory care activity assistant for 1.5yrs as a 63yr young woman... I feel much like an island handling everything but decorating on my floor. Thanks for your healing message ????
Clare 30th Dec 2023 Activities And Development Co Ordinator
How wonderful is it that everyone from around the world who has a genuine heartfelt passion supporting and caring for others can communicate with each other. Remember how amazing you all are on a daily basis, inspiring, dedicated, passionate, person centred, dignified, innovative, empathetic, I could go on forever. Keep up the fabulous work and always stay positive in what you do to brighten a day for others. You are all stars and never forget the positive and life changing impact you have on the individuals you care for, keep striving to making a difference and look after yourselves .
Jacqui 29th Dec 2023 Activity Lead
Thank You for such a thoughtful and heartfelt end of year message! Very best wishes to you all for 2024.
Tanja 29th Dec 2023 Activities Aide
Coffee, banana bread & a chat sound so nice. Thank you for seeing and thinking (of) us,
Kandee 27th Dec 2023 Ministry
Thank you so much for that encouragement. Rochester, NY
Linda 27th Dec 2023 Diversional Therapy Asst
Hi Haley :)

Thank you so much for those reassuring words that I'm not the only one who feels so burnt out.
This month is the busiest in our DT year, and last week was non-stop. I was (am) so exhausted that I backed my car into a tree when leaving work! I'm ok, and nobody else was hurt (except for my poor little car) so that's something. But blimey! I could have done without that :(

I'm 64, have been doing this work for 14 years now, and I'm so looking forward to cutting down my hours when I hit 65.

But it is also a very rewarding job, and I work in a lovely team, so there are positives.
And to see the delight on our resident's faces when they enjoy our activities, well, that's priceless.
Haley, Golden Carers is invaluable, thank you so much for all the ideas and inspiration.
And keep on pouring that coffee and dancing to Foo Fighters.

Linda ( New Zealand)
Jacinta Wilson 27th Dec 2023
WOW ... needed to read that. A lady in her later stages of life said to me ...
Are you tired Cocka?

Me ... just a little

Lady ... you look it.

Her compassion reignited me. ???? Must've looked pretty beat ????
Clare 26th Dec 2023 Activities And Development Co Ordinator
Thank you for your kind words and well wishes Hayley. Myself and the 5 Pathways hubs in county durham, uk wish you and everyone around the world the very best for 2024 ???? ❤️
Amanda 26th Dec 2023 Life Enrichment Assistant
Thank you for your compassion and light!! Merry Christmas from Oregon!
Narelle 25th Dec 2023 Lifestyle Officer
Thankyou. Thankyou so much for your beautiful words that meant so much. i will be sharing them with my work colleagues. Merry Christmas to all from Australia x
Jo Ann 21st Dec 2023 Activities Director
Thank you, you are so kind. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I just keep watching it get closer and closer. It's all in the way we perceive things. Hope you light is getting closer as well. Let's all enjoy 2024!!
White 19th Dec 2023
Kaylene 19th Dec 2023 Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator
Thank you Haley for such a beautifully written message. You are spot on! I have shared it with my colleagues who have all enjoyed and appreciated your thoughts. Have a wonderful Christmas break. Best wishes - Sharon
Kathie 19th Dec 2023 Recreation Director
Thank you Golden Carers, you have given me amazing ideas for our elders. As I continue to learn, I know I have the support of all members of this valuable website.
Monica 19th Dec 2023 Activities Director
Thank you!
Annatjie 19th Dec 2023 Nurse Manager
I salute Haley for her heartfelt and absolute accurate description of my inner turmoil and realization that I am completely burnt out.....Giving, listening, comforting, endearing, being the only light in the darkness of a mind that is no more.....
Thank you Golden Carers, for so many wonderful ideas of keeping my Residents busy and enjoying the times of resourcefulness, laughter and fun! Thank you. May the Christmas season and 2024 bring a new twinkle to our eyes and new courage amidst the 2023 burnout. Love, Annatjie
Wendy 8th Dec 2023 Activities Co-ordinator
Thank you.
Yes at times Activity Co-ordinating can be challenging but it is the challenge that gets you motivated for the next day. Our job is made much easier with Golden Carers and all their amazing information. Thank you for that.
I luv to see the smiles on the residents faces when we do all sorts of funny, motivating and great activities with them.
Tanja 29th Dec 2022 Activities Aide
This made me almost want to cry. There are so many days when I feel like what I am doing for our program is not enough!! This was so good!! Thank you everyone for being here to support each other as we do our best to make our residents smile!
Paula 23rd Dec 2022 Activity Director
Merry Christmas to everyone at Goldencarers. Thank you so much for all the support you give us. Thank you for ideas and helping us to think outside of the box.
3 Cheers to all of you.
Angela 23rd Dec 2022 Lifestyle Specialist
A big thank you to you Golden Carer for all that you do to make our chosen career a whole lot easier to maintain. With your support and ideas throughout the year, it has been awesome.

We are all angels just wanting to help other.

Pamela 23rd Dec 2022 Activity Coordinator For Older People
Many thanks for making my job such a success with all the useful an
Making ideas etc. this year . Look forward to next year
Memories+ 23rd Dec 2022 Seniors Day Program
I don't think I could do my job as well as I do without the materials this site provides. Such an invaluable resource. Thank you for improving our year here at Memories+ Group!!
Lorena 22nd Dec 2022 Care Facilitator
Merry Christmas to all,I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas with those you love.
Thanks so much to Golden carers for all you do to give our clients meaningful,fun activities throughout the yea.
Claudia 22nd Dec 2022 Diversional Therapist
We do a fabulous job and Golden Carers really helps with that! Best wishes for 2023
Nancy 22nd Dec 2022 Activities Director
It made all the changes and frustrations worthwhile, thank you.
Nikki 21st Dec 2022 Day Centre Coordinator
Thank you, this is just what I needed to hear amongst the brain fog as I juggle everything.
Wishing us all a safe and healthy festive season!
Lisa 21st Dec 2022 WSVD
This could not have come at a better time. Thank you, and Merry Christmas, happy holidays to all, and happy New Year!
Lisa 21st Dec 2022 Activities for Seniors

Your website is amazing. I use it daily.
I appreciate all the work you do to help us.

and GOD bless you!

Debbie 21st Dec 2022
Thank you for those words that held much meaning to me, it is nice to feel appreciated and that others have the same difficulties and successes as me. Thank you for everything on this site, it is a constant source of inspiration. Merry Christmas one and all.
ANGELA MASSEY 20th Dec 2022
Thank you for making our job roles better by using all of your great ideas.
We simply just click & print off
Have a fabulous break over the Christmas period and look forward to printing off your new ideas x
Tara 20th Dec 2022 Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator
Thank you so very much for 2022.
I do appreciate you all and the effort you put in creating the resources for us to be able to use.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday.

Trish Elker 20th Dec 2022
Thank you Haley, for that wonderful, heart-felt, knowledgeable and all knowing holiday/end of year message. I very much agree with everything you have written and it's great to know that other people are in the same position. In July of this year, after 8 years, I retired from my facility. I missed the residents who passed on and I couldn't physically handle the work any more (I am 65). But I look back on those 8 years and was very excited when I found your site, which gave me so much great information to use every day. I sourced many other sites along the way, but you had so much useful information for my daily activities that I created a book of activities that I actually shared with another facility. Please keep up the great work and thank you for your extraordinary site. Trish Elker
Meave 20th Dec 2022 Ccbrook1
Thank you all for your constant and inspiring support here, in what has been an incredibly trying couple of years. The work we do is wonderful and I feel privileged to be a part of it.
Thank you.
Anne Marie Chelin 20th Dec 2022
three cheers to you!
Pauline 28th Dec 2021
Thank you for your lovely message. Wishing all of you and all in the activities sector a happy and safe year ahead
Talita 3rd Jan 2022
Thanks for your message Pauline, all the best for 2022!
Maria 21st Dec 2021 Activity Coordinator
What a beautiful message! It's hard for even us activity professionals to stay cheerful in these times, especially here in America. I hope your 2022 is full of wonderful surprises and opportunities, and only the best things.
-Maria Stefanic
Activity Coordinator
George G. Glenner Alzheimer's Family Centers
San Diego, CA
Talita 21st Dec 2021
Thank you Maria! All the best for 2022!
John Njuru Gathua 31st Dec 2020
Beatiful warm and encouraging message.
Indeed covid 19 shall fade away and life will be back to normal.
Happy blessed 2021
Hooper Kano junior 31st Dec 2020
Thank you Solange,
What a tough year it has been for every one globally.
Thank you for your warmth words, it brings peace to our heart.
Prosperous 2021.
God bless
Karen 22nd Dec 2020 Activity Co-ordinator
Thank you to everyone for all your amazing ideas and support, they have certainly helped me over this dreadful year! What an amazing team we are, pat yourselves on the back, you deserve it!!!!!
Merry Christmas & a Healthy 2021 to you all xx
Talita 28th Dec 2020
Thank you so much Karen! Let's hope for a better year in 2021. All the best! x
Janlyn 22nd Dec 2020 nurse / dementia
Hi Solange,
What beautiful words!! It has been a year like no other for sure. Thankyou for all the amazing ideas etc that have been shared, it is an amazing help with planning new and fun things for our residents to do. Have a safe and happy Christmas break and here's to a new and bright 2021 for everyone xx
Talita 28th Dec 2020
Thank you so much for your feedback Janly. All the best for 2021! x
Molly 20th Dec 2020 Community Life Director
This site has helped me to get through a difficult and grief filled year. So grateful for the ideas to keep me inspired and connected. Next year, I'll share some of my own!
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Hi Molly, thanks so much for your feedback. I'm so sorry to hear you've had a difficult year. All the best for a better year in 2021. And yes, please share your favorite activities with us, we'd love that! x
Karen 20th Dec 2020 Activity Professional
Hello to everyone! What a wonderful website that I found back in September! It has added another dimension to my activity program. I love the enthusiasm of all activity professionals out there , like me, who are navigating through some rough waters and need some help along the way. Golden Carers lift my spirit! We are truly in this TOGETHER no matter where we are.
Blessings to all of you! PEACE ON EARTH!
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you so much for your feedback Karen. Yes, we are in this together! All the best for 2021, let's hope it's a good year!
Karen 17th Dec 2020 Lifestyle Assistant
Thank you for your tireless work to keep this resource constantly updated and changing. Merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2021 for you all.
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you so much for your feedback Karen. Merry Christmas to you and all the best for 2021 x
Gina 17th Dec 2020 Activity Coordinator
Thank you for keeping this website going! also, thanks to everyone for awesome ideas! We are truly in this together! Happy Holidays!
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you Gina! Happy Holidays and wishing you a bright 2021!
Jo 16th Dec 2020 Diversional Therapist
Thank you. And thank you for all the hard work that you do. This website is the PERFECT tool for anyone in our line of work.
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you so much Jo. All the best for 2021! x
Petrie 16th Dec 2020 Lifestyle Co-ordinator
Thank you Golden Carers for many Activities ideas. May you all have a Happiest Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year. Thank you so much for the Christmas Carol lyrics.
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
A very Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you too Petrie! x
Ashley 15th Dec 2020 Chaplain
Thank you for all the hard work you and the community put in to this amazing resource. Its such a blessing to us and our residents, cant imagine life without it now!
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you so very much for your feedback Ashley!
Domenica 15th Dec 2020 Lifestyle Coordinator
Wishing you all a Beautiful Christmas and may 2021 bring you all happinees,good health and new beginnings. Big thankyou to Golden Carers team,you're all awesome.Be safe everyone.+++
Talita 22nd Dec 2020
Thank you Domenica! All the best to you in 2021 too! Thanks for your feedback x
Juliet Henderson 30th Dec 2019 Lifestyle Therapy Team Leader
Well another year is coming to an end! Thank you golden carers and all of you out there for your invaluable activities ideas. Happy New Year to you all - looking forward to 2020 an all it may bring.
Joan 28th Dec 2019 Activity Director
Thank you for all you do for us!
May the New Year bring you many blessings
Laura 28th Dec 2019 Activities Director
I am so grateful for this program and would be lost without it! I love the support group on Facebook and always look forward to the comments and concerns. Thank you for providing this valuable tool to help our jobs go smoother.
Susan 29th Dec 2019 Activity Director
Glad we could be of help to you
Best wishes in 2020
Solange 31st Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Hi Laura, that you very much for your kind words. Have a safe and prosperous 2020!
l would like thanks everyone who made me job a lot easier with all the activities posted looking forward to 2020
Mary 24th Dec 2019 Leisure And Lifestyle Coordinator
Thank you for the wonderful, helpful resources you provide.
Merry Christmas to your team.
From Brisbane, Australia
Solange 28th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you mary, have a great year!
Adele 24th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapy
Merry Christmas to you and your team. We have so much fun with the activities that you share with our residents. May you be blessed this Christmas season and know that all your hard work is very much appreciated. Looking forward to a New Year with you all.
Solange 28th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you, Adele. Have a great year!
Gina 24th Dec 2019 Activity Coordinator
I just wanted to take a moment to thank Golden Carers and all the wonderful people who give input and ideas. This has been so helpful and my residents love the activities. So from my clients and myself, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Gina
Solange 24th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you, GIna, we hope you enjoy e a safe and peaceful Holiday. Season.
Ursula 23rd Dec 2019 Registered Nurse, Wound Specialist
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Thank you to Golden Carers and to all it members. This website has been invaluable.
Warm Wishes
Solange 24th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you, Ursula, your feedback is very much appreciated. Merry Christmas!
Trish 23rd Dec 2019 Activities Director
Golden Carers has been my go-to guide for the past four years. It has been a pleasure reading what others are doing in their facilities and how I can add to our collection of activities at our facility.

Thank you, too, to Solange and all of the moderators who work at this site. It is a pleasure working with you.

Happy Holidays to everyone and see you next year!

Solange 24th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you, Trish, for your kind words. Happy Holidays!
Maria 21st Dec 2019 Health Care Assistant
Happy Christmas and a peaceful new year to everyone and thank you for all the wonderful activities. Lovely site to be part of. Many blessings to you all Maria xxx
NIU. S 21st Dec 2019 Activities Co-ordinator
Merry Christmas everyone.Wishing you all joy peace and love
Many blessings for 2020
Mary 21st Dec 2019
To everyone at Golden Carers Thank you for all the fun activities and many ideas!!
Solange 21st Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Hi Mary, Jane, a Mcauley. Merry Christmas and a New Year full of joy and love and a blissful holiday season.
jane 20th Dec 2019 activity provider
What a year 2019 has been, unfortunately it seems world wide.
Now we can all look to the future and hope and pray that 2020
will be 'the' year when all good things happen.
All the very best for Christmas and the New Year. May it be a happy
and healthy one.
Many thanks for everything you do.

Luv Jane
McAuley 20th Dec 2019 Social Centre
Dear Solange,

Thank you for a year of wonderful shared ideas and insights. I am looking forward to 2020 and contributing to this wonderful program.
A beautiful reflection

Kind regards
McAuley 20th Dec 2019 Social Centre
Wishing everyone much love, laughter and happiness in the festive season. A smile speaks all languages.

Merry Christmas and happy 2020

Kindest regards
Rita 19th Dec 2019 Animadora Sosiocultural
Feliz Natal!
Solange 19th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Hi, Rita, Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de felicidades!
Solange 19th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Hi ladies, thank you very much for the greetings. I wish you all a very Merry and safe Christmas. May the New Year bring you boundless joy, strength, peace, and health.
Rosa 19th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Merry Christmas!!!
And big thank you for your fine work
Rosa 19th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Merry Christmas and a new happy and successful 2020 !!
Thank you !!
Many blessings ❤️
Diane 18th Dec 2019 Recreation Team Leader
Wishing you and your staff and all who contributes to this awesome website a very happy , safe and fun Christmas. I have learned so much and my residents have had a lot of fun with the activities I have tried.
Mary 18th Dec 2019
Thank you for always being her for me when I'm not sure what to do, and all your hard work. Golden Carers I can not express how thankful I am to have found you!! May you have a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!
Christina 18th Dec 2019 recreational officer
Merry Christmas!!
Debra 17th Dec 2019
Happy Christmas everyone and a safe New Year
Thank you for all the wonderful ideas I have tried over the past year with my residents,
Lynda 16th Dec 2019 Lifestyle Manager
Thankyou Solange & Golden Carers, you provide so much inspiration and fantastic ideas throughout the year, making our jobs so much easier to put together interesting programs. May you have a blessed Christmas!
Talita 16th Dec 2019
Thank you so much Lynda, a very Merry Christmas to you too x
Solange 16th Dec 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you Lynda, have a beautiful and safe Festive Season.
Janet 8th Jan 2019 Group Leader
Happy New Year Solange and team. Our group love your activities and we are truly impressed by the amazing things available. Thank you for all you do on our behalf.

Here's to a good year for us all!
Solange 12th Jan 2019 Diversional Therapist
Thank you for your kind words Janet. A very Happy New Year to you too - all the best.
Joanne 2nd Jan 2019 Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator
Once again another new year to try more activities, keep up the good work everyone at Golden carers and looking forward to many more activities to try xx
Talita 5th Jan 2019
Thanks so much for your support Joanne! x
Valerie 2nd Jan 2019 Activity Coordinator
Some brilliant ideas , thank you all so much . Tried the “Pick a Box “ today with a few added twists of my own to suit our residents , it was a great success . Valerie
Talita 5th Jan 2019
Thanks for your feedback Valerie, this is wonderful to hear!
Lori 25th Dec 2018 Activity
Thank you
Talita 30th Dec 2018
Thank you Lori!
Athena 24th Dec 2018 Lifestyle Assistant/administration assistant
Hello everyone! firstly Merry Christmas to all of the members of golden carer!
i also would like to thank Golden carer for the varieties of activity resources that everyone could use!
it such great help guys and its makes it easy for everyone...
once again thank you! and happy new year to you all XOXO!
Talita 30th Dec 2018
Thanks so much for your feedback Athena, it is really appreciated! Wishing you a fantastic start to the new year!
Leisure & Lifestyle Team 18th Dec 2018 Life Style Officer
Merry Christmas, thank you very much for all your fantastic ideas.
I have used many in 2018 and looking forward to 2019
Talita 20th Dec 2018
Thank you so much! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Denise 17th Dec 2018 Therapy assistant
Merry Christmas the team of Golden Carers. Thankyou for all your wonderful ideas and great activities throughout the year.


Talita 18th Dec 2018
Thank you so much Denise - Merry Christmas to you too! All the very best for the New Year!
Amanda 21st Dec 2017 Extended Care Assistant
Thank you so much for the fantastic ideas on your site, i use them every month and am very greatful for each and every idea.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and New Year.
Talita 22nd Dec 2017
Thank you so much Amanda. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Abshira 20th Dec 2017 Social Support
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Talita 21st Dec 2017
Merry Christmas Abshira!
Lalaine 19th Dec 2017 Life Style Officer
Merry christmas and Happy new year to everybody!!!
Solange 20th Dec 2017 Diversional Therapist
Merry Christmas to you too Lalaine, and Happy New Year!
Sharon 19th Dec 2017 Activity Coordinator
Merry Christmas to all.
I'm new to this site and am looking forward to sharing with you in the New Year.
Solange 20th Dec 2017 Diversional Therapist
Welcome, Sharon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Val 19th Dec 2017 Activity Aide
Thanks for all you do for making this publication very useful. You all do a great job.
Solange 20th Dec 2017 Diversional Therapist
Thank you, Val. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Tracey 19th Dec 2017 Activities Therapist
I shall be renewing my subscription solange - absolutely love everything about Golden Carers. :)

I wish you a very Merry Christmas

Thank you

Tracey x

Solange 20th Dec 2017 Diversional Therapist
Thank you very much, Tracey. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kaye 19th Dec 2017 Lifestyle/Diversional Therapist
Wishing you all a very blessed festive season and a big thank you for all your ideas and helpful hints through out the years I have been a member.
Talita 19th Dec 2017
Thanks so much Kaye. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Joanne 19th Dec 2017 Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator
Thanks ever so much for the fantastic ideas that everyone shares and to all at Golden Carersa safe festive season and looking forward to 2018...keep up the good work as this site is a valuable source of resources for all Lifestyle Staff
Talita 19th Dec 2017
Thanks so much Joanne. Wishing you all the best! x
jane 20th Dec 2016 activity provider
Thank you for your good wishes and a merry Christmas to you and everyone who gives us all
the support that we need to fulfill this very demanding help we try to give to our people.
Sometime, as normal, we can have a bad day but we all know we can contact you and get
advice to see us through the day.
All possible happiness and good health throughout 2017,

Glenys 23rd Dec 2015 Diversional Therapist
Thank you Golden Carers for all your inspiring ideas and support with Golden Carers Tools, our Lifestyle team uses your activity ideas weekly and the residents get so much enjoyment from them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone working in aged care.
Julie 22nd Dec 2015 Lifestyle Worker
Thank you for all your fantastic ideas .
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016.
Kathleen 22nd Dec 2015 Diversional Therapist
Thank you for all of your great ideas.

Merry Christmas to you all and your family.
Tina 22nd Dec 2015 Day Centre Leader
Thank you for a very inspiring and informative website.
Very best wishes for Christmas and the new year.
Myra 22nd Dec 2015 leisure and health co-ordinator
thank you for a great year of idea's
Juliet 22nd Dec 2015 Lifestyle Therapy Team Leader
Everything you have written is so true and to you Natalie, your post says it all. As we all know Christmas is the busiest time for us in lifestyle and yes the reward to us is seeing our residents faces, their smile and laughter. Lifestyle is a very busy profession, but you know.....I wouldn't do anything else. Merry Christmas to you all.
Natalie 22nd Dec 2015 Diversional Therapist
thank you for those kind and true words. We all get tired at this time of year, but it is a joy to see the joy in our residents faces. For some of them we are their family, so it is important to spread the Christmas cheer. When I get sick of the paperwork and politics, I go and do a group with the residents, and they soon make me smile again too. It is a delight and an honour to care for people. It opens our hearts, minds and eyes, and we are better people for it. Merry Christmas to all the wonderful Lifestyle professionals out there.
Fidelma 22nd Dec 2015 activity co ordinator
Wishing everyone a happy healthy and peaceful xmas
Solange 31st Dec 2014 Diversional Therapist
Hi Lynne, Thank you for your kind words. Our best wishes for a safe, healthy and happy New Year.
Lynne 30th Dec 2014 Lifestyle Assistant
Thank you Solange
Yes it has been an exhausting year, especially years end. But very rewarding in the most unexpected ways. Thank you for the Golden Carers site, it has been most invaluable. Wishing yourself and all Golden Carer members a wonderful new year full of new and inspiring activities and events for all our residents. Without them there would not be an us. Lynne VIC
JoAnne 16th Dec 2014 Planned Activity Worker/Diversional Therapist
I am so happy I joined Golden Carers. Thankyou so much all the great ideas I find to utilise in my work place at PAG. Merrry Christmas to all and Happy New Year.....
Solange 10th Dec 2014 Diversional Therapist
Thank you all for the kind comments. Merry Christmas and a Happy & Safe New Year!
joanne 10th Dec 2014 Diversional Therapist Assistant
thank you :)
Patricia 10th Dec 2014 Co Ordinator
Thank you! All the best of Christmas to you all at Golden Carers! Keep safe and have a great 2015. Thank you for everything, it is wonderful to look into the golden Carers each Tuesday & check out all the new things you have to offer! Good Health and Happiness Always! I hope the readers and Carers have a great Christmas and New Year, you all deserve it!
Margaret 9th Dec 2014 Care Co-ordinator
Thank you Solange for your ideas and help throughout the year and a safe and Merry Christmas to everyone.
Robyn 9th Dec 2014 Diversional Therapist
Thank you for your wishes and appreciation of our work. I will look forward to more ideas, and helpful information from your site, Golden Carers, you are doing an amazing thing with this site. So again Thank you and Merry Christmas and happy 2015 to All
Barbara 9th Dec 2014 Recreational therapist
Merry Christmas to you &yours what a wonderful service you provide. I have retired two months ago for the 2nd time,I missed
The residents & staff the best job in the world.Sadly not a well paid job in monetary terms,but oh how privileged are we that work
In activities aged care.after 25years of shopping with 1eye looking for anything for work,it is a hard habit to break.bless you all.
Barb brown
Janine 9th Dec 2014 Lifestyle Assistant
This is my 1st year with GoldenCarers and I bless the day I found your site. It has helped me beyond belief to bring great activities to my residents and great advice when needed. So I would like to pass on my thanks and wish you all a VERY MERY XMAS AND A GREAT 2015 XX
Marie 9th Dec 2014 Lifestyle Coordinator
All very true Solange. Thanks for all you do and merry Christmas to you and your family.
Josephine 9th Dec 2014 Lifestyle Manager
HI Solange,

Thank you, but the thanks also goes back to you. This site is a credit to you and the forums have to be one of the best. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful start to the New Year. Cheers Jessie
Cheryl 9th Dec 2014 Lifestyle Therapist
Merry Christmas to you Solange and to all at Golden carers see you next year
Michelle 22nd Dec 2013 Recreation Activities Officer
As someone relatively new to the aged care industry and newly trained, thankyou for your practical suggestions. They work or give ideas that can be easily adapted to people in high dementia care.
Daisy 21st Dec 2013 Lifestyle Coordinator
Thank you Solange for inspiring us who are worked off our feet and are often too fatigue to come up with I the ideas we would hav liked to in our own.

Also thank you for the unity to know there are others in the same position benefitting from each other.

May you have a blessed Christmas, filled with goodwill to all, especially our aged or those who depend on us to make a positive difference in their life.

Pauline 20th Dec 2013 Activity Officer
To the golden carers team, thanks for your support during 2013 and I hope this sight continues to be a voice in a lonely world for DTS, It is good good to know someone out there understands and supports us on a daily basis and assists us to with activity suggestions to try throughout the year. Have a merry christmas and even better new year.
Talita 19th Dec 2013
Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, we appreciate it so much!

Merry Christmas to all!
Bianca 19th Dec 2013 Lifestyle Coordinator
Merry Christmas all, your comments an suggestions have been well received and your ideas well 'borrowed'.
Thank you all for sharing
Maggie 19th Dec 2013 Health & Leisure Activities
Thanks ever so much Solange. The month of December is usually an even bigger challenge in the aged care sector. While many people celebrate others feel the pain of having no family to join. Thats why our roles in aged care and dementia care are so important.
We help help lift peoples spirits, spend lots of I to I time with them and join people together in this crazy season. Christmas Carols, singing and dancing, more formal style spiritual services all give people a lift. The most wonderful things happen in this area of work - a person with high care dementia will come out with Ava Maria in song and people always remember to old sytle routes and sunday school songs. It is such a joy to join in the whole purpose of Christmas by our practices of person centered care. Always know the persons story.
Love to all throughout the new year and into 2014.
Kindest Regards, Maggie
peggy 18th Dec 2013 lifestyle & volunteer coordinator
Hi Solage & crew,
Thank you SO much for this message...I needed it today!
Have a happy Christmas & enjoy a break yourselves.
Debi 18th Dec 2013 Lifestle Coordinator
Merry Christmas Solange,
Thankyou for those wonderful words, they are a great reminder of how important the position of all lifestyle workers are, keep up the great work everyone.
Thankyou for your site it has been a great help for our facility.
Cheers Debi :)
Nette 18th Dec 2013 Recreation and Leisure Manager Blue Cross
thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, thanks Nette
Kate 18th Dec 2013 leisure&Lifestyle assistant
Thank you Solange and your team for this great site. this is my bible and love reading all the articles, thank you for making my work more interesting. Hope you and your family have a very happy & safe Christmas and a wonderful 2014 :)
Kerry 18th Dec 2013 Activity Officer
Thank you for your support & ideas through 2013, I look forward to conversing with you all in 2014, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, regards Kerry.
Heather 18th Dec 2013
Dear Solange, Being a leisure and Health worker can be lonely and frustrating so say the least sometimes, but one thing we all have in common is a friend in you and your wonderful site. The support offered to each and everyone of the Golden Carers Members goes beyond and above keeping us all a float and on the right track to continue to provide the one thing we are all trying to do. Provide normal life pursuits to individuals in our care.. I love my job and Golden Carers helps me to continue to realise that when things get a little tough. I thank you and your team for helping me to continue to do this and wish each and everyone one a Merry Christmas and a safe and productive New Year. xxx
Jennifer Bohman 17th Dec 2013 Recreational Activities Officer
Hi Solange, Thank you for this site, I love it! Thank you also for your understanding about our role. I have volunteered in this area for 20 years, and I have had to recently leave a Rec Officer job I had for 18months due to family commitments. It was during this time I had the sad experience of how belittling and dismissive some staff can be. Emotional well being is just as important as the physical and it comes to people in all different ways. I wish the "Nursing/Caring" Staff were intelligent enough to understand this.
Pauline 20th Dec 2013 Activity Officer/AIn
Jennifer I too walked away from an activity officers job this due to the same reason you did and I like you if staff recognised what we do on daily basis for each and every person we work with including staff the aged care system would be all the better for it. I know in my heart that I love my job and it was the hardest thing for me to do. But a time comes when the bullying, harrasment and work roll gets recognised instead of us being the kickboard for everyone in the industry to have a go at things will not change. The Dt association and managements all say they will support us but when crunch comes to crunch they don,t and do they realise if all the long term experienced activity officers keep leaving who will they able to draw on to help teach the newer ones that come along. I really would love to go back to another position in this industry but as they have created so much stress and heartache in my life I don,t know when that will be. So to everyone in the industry have a very merry christmas and an even better 2014.
Solange 22nd Dec 2013 Diversional Therapist
Hi Pauline and Jennifer, I am sorry you had a bad experience in the industry. Not every facility treats leisure and recreation staff with contempt. You were so very unlucky. I hope you reconsider your positions. Maybe if you search carefully when looking for the next job; perhaps volunteer for a couple of days before applying for a position. I wish you and all the others in the same boat a very Merry Christmas and Happy and a safe New Year!

Margaret 23rd Dec 2013 Activities Assistant
I highly recommend the volunteer idea, great way to see if you and your personality fits in with the facility.
Same happened with me, then I found my current place and I have never looked back. Sometimes I think the residents are looking after me, not the other way around!
Lisa 17th Dec 2013 Diversional Therapist
Hi Solange, To you and all the people at Golden Carers I would like to thank you for your wonderful website and wish you a happy and safe Christmas and new year. God bless you all Lisa :)
Susan 17th Dec 2013 Lifestyle Cordinator
Dear Solange. I always have good intentions of contributing to such a wonderful sight and feel I must at least reply to your lovely end of year reflection. You put together such fantastic thoughts and ideas and I am sure there are many of us lifestyle people out there who are much the wiser/ kinder for it. so thank you so much I do hope you can relax these holidays although we all know that as such our brains never switch off.
So here's to a fantastic 2014 to you and everyone who reads the site, Remember that Florence Nightingale once said " Life is a precious gift there is nothing small about it. Live your life whilst you have " at 71, I intend to do just that.
God Bless
Ps I am also a Red Hatter. .And boy is my life full. It means my husband can play as much bowls as he likes too!!
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