I love this! I too work in a mental health hospital as well. I always would just draw a person, a flower, or something that fits the season. Sometimes I wouldn't draw anything at all and would just cross out letters that were already guessed. Love this idea!
9th Dec 2020
Therapeutic Activities Services Worker
I don't have any more at the moment. I found these by googling close up photos. Although there were some I did not put in so you may find some more if you try googling. I am so glad you like them. I did this activity with my geriatric psych patients and it was such a big hit!
19th Nov 2020
Therapeutic Activities Services Worker
I pulled them up from YouTube. You can also find short clips from the show and sometimes even full episodes! My folks loved seeing the clips and sang along to some of the theme shows
9th Oct 2020
Therapeutic Activities Services Worker
Our residents love these kinds of activities! Thank you for sharing. A great addition to this activity would be to play the theme songs that go with the shows.
10 Chances - Hangman Variation