Perhaps you would like to use an Italian quiz a put together a number of years ago?
Word Quiz - SPAGHETTI BOLOGNAISE All the answers to the clues from the letters of Spaghetti Bolognaise
1. You could colour a picture with this Paint 2. Saying that you are sorry Apologise 3. The leaves of a book or boys training for knighthood Pages 4. A silly water bird! Goose 5. A glass water container Bottle 6. Spring, summer, autumn or winter Season 7. Hockey on horseback Polo 8. A place for merchandise Shop 9. Assist or provide for a need Help 10. Stone roofing material Slate 11. A narrow strip of leather used for laces Thong 12. A poplar tree Aspen 13. A period of darkness Night 14. Catching one’s breath Gasping 15. A really slow walker! Snail 16. Good for tents and washing lines Pegs 17. Fencing Netting 18. Tramp Hobo 19. A snub Slight 20. Two of them Both
ENJOY!! Sheila Douthwaite Occupational Therapist Mbango Valley Association South Africa
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