Hi Lalaine, have you taken a look through the care plans category? There are instructions and samples you can find there: https://www.goldencarers.com/care-plans/
You might also be interested in taking a look at Golden Care Tools - this is an online tool that helps you manage your calendar, track attendance, run reports etc as well as create care plans. https://www.goldencaretools.com/
Would also like some guidance around writing progress notes. Only have my own template currently, which I created myself. I feel like it covers most things but the actually note taking can be minimal with either yes/no or 1/2 word responses. It includes; Activity: Date/Time: Location: Attendance: Alert/Attentive: Ability to follow instructions: Interactions/Participation: Mood/Level of enjoyment: Notes:
I am so grateful for this website and the types of activities it offers. I use it everyday. The clients I serve are receptive to the programs offered. I never ventured into armchair travel until I found this website, and now it is one of the most popular clinics I put on. I also appreciate the Power Point presentations. I hosted the Cowboys and Cowgirls of the Wild West, what a treat! Thank you so much!!!
May I request if we can have a proper education regarding writing a care plan and progress note. so I can learn these important things.
You might also be interested in taking a look at Golden Care Tools - this is an online tool that helps you manage your calendar, track attendance, run reports etc as well as create care plans.
Ability to follow instructions:
Mood/Level of enjoyment:
Any feedback would be appreciated.