Hi everyone, Can anyone share ideas how to attract residents, families also staff to view noticeboards within my home. Always told not aware of certain activities, entertainment ect. Most of my time, running around getting people together.
Hi Jackie It has been my experience that you have to tell people multiple times in multiple ways about upcoming activities and events
For family members you can mail a monthly newsletter and then follow up with at least one phone call before the activity especially if you want them to come You could also try emailing them I find that telling people just once doesn't usually work
For staff members tell them at morning meeting or when you see them on the unit just give them a friendly reminder you can also give them a copy of your calendar and circle really important events
For residents of course you give them the monthly calendar and possibly a weekly calendar You can also give them invitations to events you want them to really come to Make sure to announce the event or activity 15 minutes before it starts Make sure to send a staff member to remind them and offer assistance to getting to the activity
I have written an article about getting reluctant residents to an activity be on the lookout for it
I recently attended a nursing home where the lady had a weekly print out of activities on her wall (if that's not too labour intensive) Emailing family is a cheap way of reminding family, if they are closely engaged with their loved one.
We have a weekly program on display in A3 in specific areas and residents receive an A4 copy each week. Standard regular activities (bingo, singing groups etc) are always displayed on the noticeboard in a separate timetable and afternoon activities are announced at the end of morning activities.
We only send out weekly diary,. these are given out to each resident on a Friday afternoon, and also emailed to all staff and residents sponsor. We have a large weekly printout in the main Lounge, and a4 print out on main foyer notice board( it is 2 pages with pictures). Many entertainers send out posters so this go up the week begin. if i want the care team to bring certain individuals i put the event and info in the care team diary. the care team also have a copy of the weekly diary and they read out the daily going ons at the handovers. Emailing the diary's to family has really helped and i often get family messages to ask if i can remind mum or dad about .... and also so the family can come and join in with things- or not come to take their relative out if they want to join in the session. hope this helps X
Just to say a very big thank you for all the replies received, first time have posted on the forum very grateful, shall be putting all the suggestions into practice.
I love this website, so much information. I am just starting to work in activities and this is just perfect. I am studying Cert IV in activities and Leisure, this website will be so helpful. Thank you to the creators who created this website.
Can anyone share ideas how to attract residents, families also staff to view
noticeboards within my home. Always told not aware of certain activities, entertainment
ect. Most of my time, running around getting people together.
It has been my experience that you have to tell people multiple times in multiple ways about upcoming activities and events
For family members you can mail a monthly newsletter and then follow up with at least one phone call before the activity especially if you want them to come
You could also try emailing them
I find that telling people just once doesn't usually work
For staff members tell them at morning meeting or when you see them on the unit just give them a friendly reminder you can also give them a copy of your calendar and circle really important events
For residents of course you give them the monthly calendar and possibly a weekly calendar
You can also give them invitations to events you want them to really come to
Make sure to announce the event or activity 15 minutes before it starts
Make sure to send a staff member to remind them and offer assistance to getting to the activity
I have written an article about getting reluctant residents to an activity be on the lookout for it
Emailing family is a cheap way of reminding family, if they are closely engaged with their loved one.
What a simple and good idea, why have I never thought of that ?
placing on main noticeboard is not working, but having in rooms is spot on.
Thank you for taking the trouble to reply,
Jackie x
Emailing the diary's to family has really helped and i often get family messages to ask if i can remind mum or dad about .... and also so the family can come and join in with things- or not come to take their relative out if they want to join in the session. hope this helps X
Just to say a very big thank you for all the replies received, first time have posted on
the forum very grateful, shall be putting all the suggestions into practice.
Jackie x