Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and also the job of Activities Coordinator. I work in a 25 bed home for people in varying stages of dementia and I need some guidance and suggestions for activities! Groups more than solo things. Any help would be much appreciated, Im meant to come up with a timetable of activities..I've never done the job before and haven't had any training.
Currently working on a button board: 10x10 hardboard. Traced different buttons. Using Velcro on the back of each button and another in the traced shape in the board. You can make these to accommodate simple, 1-1’s , or make much more challenging for someone able to do this independently. Acts similar to doing a puzzle but easier. Let your mind be creative with this one!! Once I get this made I will post some pics
I just love love love this site - each time I'm glued to the many and awesome ideas to engage with our seniors. I recently downloaded some of the crossword puzzles and these seniors are fabulous to work with. That is just the tip of the iceberg. In this new chapter of my life, as semi-retired, I am so enjoying my time with seniors and watching them light up; I feel I've found a new niche. It's extremely gratifying. As to the cost of membership, it came out of my pocket - I rationalised that it was only about $3/month, less than many magazines. So keep up the GREAT work!!! Thanks again Golden Carers!!!!!
This will be challenging but I’m sure you can do it just don’t get discouraged if things don’t go well to begin with
You were smart to join golden cares because there are many good activity ideas here
Any of these ideas would work
I especially like sing-alongs because just about everyone can be involved in that
Such as this one
Also look at the sample calendars and make it for you some ideas
Good luck to you and let me know if you have any specific questions