Brenda This site can be used in many ways Do you need make a monthly activity calendar?? Do you need ideas for your calendar are?? Do you need to find out what your residents like to do?? Do you need to use the tool kit to track the participation of the residents along with the calendar?? Here are some links that might help you
I just renewed my membership and going into my second year. When I got the notification that my first year was expiring, I knew I had to renew, there was no doubt in my mind. GoldenCarers is PRICELESS! As a DJ and mobile entertainer for over 38 years much of my business is with assisted living facilities and GoldenCarers has taken it above and beyond my competition. It always has something useful and too many to point out. I could no imagine running my business without GoldenCarers. You guys ROCK!
Lenny Lerro DJ and Mobile Entertainer United States
I have ongly just joined this group not sure how to use this site I like this activities calendar if I want what do I do please??
This site can be used in many ways
Do you need make a monthly activity calendar??
Do you need ideas for your calendar are??
Do you need to find out what your residents like to do??
Do you need to use the tool kit to track the participation of the residents along with the calendar??
Here are some links that might help you
Do you need help on how to use these please let me know If you do??