Hi , i am wondering if anyone has bingo cards ( 1-90 ) ,15 numbers per card .Some of clients are finding it difficuilt to see the numbers on normal bingo sheets and not all the clients want larger cards Thankyou in advance
You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.
Thankyou in advance
I have bingo cards to 75 if that helps
Regards Linda
You can definitely find large bingo cards online
You can also buy some at Walmart Amazon even eBay
Thank you for your input