Hello everyone and a Happy New Year! We usually meet every two weeks at the local village hall where we hold our dementia support sessions, our members are not wanting to go out in the current covid climate which is understandable. I am aware some of the group are on the internet and I wondered if any of you have held any virtual sessions on Zoom, if so, what did you do and how long did your sessions last? Thank you
I just LOVE the multicultural section of this fabulous website. I work as a Activities Director at a day service facility and we are currently closed due to COVID! I am mailing/delivering personalized packages to our clients. We have clients of many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Adding pages of color-printed information from their country really brightens their day. The family members/care givers are delighted to see a spark in their loved ones eyes when they see and read about their history. I am becoming so educated myself learning all this. It will help me when we get back to work striking a spark in our clients eye when I reminisce with them about their culture. I seriously can NOT get enough of this fantastic site. xoxo :-)
We usually meet every two weeks at the local village hall where we hold our dementia support sessions, our members are not wanting to go out in the current covid climate which is understandable. I am aware some of the group are on the internet and I wondered if any of you have held any virtual sessions on Zoom, if so, what did you do and how long did your sessions last?
Thank you
Look at this activity and the comments to see how to use it on a zoom call
Here is another one with directions on how to use it for a zoom call
This article on may help you also