Hi everyone , I just love this sight , I am leaving my position in 5 weeks time as going to NZ for 12 months with my partners' work .I love my job and all the Residents , However I don't know what my chances will be to be re employed when back in Australia. sadly I feel My DON does not quite understand what we actually do , she can be very conquer and divide with staff eg our team cannot talk amongst ourselves, office door to be open at all times,"Are we talking about management ?" Nursing staff cannot visit dying people to say goodbye and MUST not be emotional, Im quite disillusioned by this attitude and don't feel a good reference is coming my way from her. I always have a great review and appraisal this DON told me she had seen me yawning in the dementia unit which was not a good look , did these people make me uninterested ? I told her I am not in the habit of yawning and perhaps I was tired that day ( my mum is having Chemo )and it is the day before my 1 permanent day although I average 3-4 days weekly . I feel I am Totally committed and have always loved the elderly, why can 1 person ruin everything ???
17th Dec 2013
This is so sad for both the residents and staff. Please do not change who you are and how you do things our Ageing people need us to be Person centred.........Good Luck in NZ!
Di I was saddened by your story. I worked in a hospice before retiring and the holistic care is sadly not always possible in aged care. However I am once more back in the workforce where i very much enjoy my lifestyle role. I recently did a course on the Eden Alternative thanks to the generosity of our DON , Which is also very big in NZ, and one of the outcomes of the course was the following. The four of us who did the course came up with the thought that not only do staff need to say goodbye but also the residents. remembering that they have known that Elder for quite some time and are family . so when they pass away we set up a table in their memory with a photo , a card - for everyone to sign - which is then given to the family , and perhaps at times a momeneto of their life. ie a football scarf, a vase of flowers if they loved gardening etc, it also has a candle burning , I hasten to add it is one of the battery ones, this is there for only two to three days so as not become a shrine. Also the card is taken around to all the residents that knew that person and you would be amazed at the comments they write on the card, they are very appreciative of being told of the their friends passing and to be included . Instead of one day seeing an empty chair and wondering where that person is. I do wish you luck in NZ once your family committements lessen, and do look up places where the Eden Alternative is is place. you will find it very rewarding . Gods Bless Susan
Hi Di, I am really sorry. All I can say is that your manager is being rather insensitive. This is old school management. Of course you want to say goodbye; the residents are such a big part of our lives. Be certain that most managers are very sensitive and supportive of the roll we play. Don't feel disheartened, you will get a new job where management will appreciate you like you deserve. Have fun in NZ!
Hi Solange, Thankyou so much for your comment to me.
I will enjoy NZ and be ready to try another facility which is more accepting of our work, when I return to Australia, I love this work it is so enjoyable and hopefully I can volunteer somewhere near where we are living in NZ to keep in the loop
I love Golden Carers, it's a fantastic resource! I not only find great activities for my seniors to do but have also inspired me to make my own activities to share as well. Thanks so much & keep up the wonderful job!
I just love this sight ,
I am leaving my position in 5 weeks time as going to NZ for 12 months with my partners' work .I love my job and all the Residents , However I don't know what my chances will be to be re employed when back in Australia.
sadly I feel My DON does not quite understand what we actually do , she can be very conquer and divide with staff eg our team cannot talk amongst ourselves, office door to be open at all times,"Are we talking about management ?" Nursing staff cannot visit dying people to say goodbye and MUST not be emotional, Im quite disillusioned by this attitude and don't feel a good reference is coming my way from her.
I always have a great review and appraisal this DON told me she had seen me yawning in the dementia unit which was not a good look , did these people make me uninterested ? I told her I am not in the habit of yawning and perhaps I was tired that day ( my mum is having Chemo )and it is the day before my 1 permanent day although I average 3-4 days weekly . I feel I am Totally committed and have always loved the elderly, why can 1 person ruin everything ???
I worked in a hospice before retiring and the holistic care is sadly not always possible in aged care. However I am once more back in the workforce where i very much enjoy my lifestyle role. I recently did a course on the Eden Alternative thanks to the generosity of our DON , Which is also very big in NZ, and one of the outcomes of the course was the following. The four of us who did the course came up with the thought that not only do staff need to say goodbye but also the residents. remembering that they have known that Elder for quite some time and are family . so when they pass away we set up a table in their memory with a photo , a card - for everyone to sign - which is then given to the family , and perhaps at times a momeneto of their life. ie a football scarf, a vase of flowers if they loved gardening etc, it also has a candle burning , I hasten to add it is one of the battery ones, this is there for only two to three days so as not become a shrine. Also the card is taken around to all the residents that knew that person and you would be amazed at the comments they write on the card, they are very appreciative of being told of the their friends passing and to be included . Instead of one day seeing an empty chair and wondering where that person is.
I do wish you luck in NZ once your family committements lessen, and do look up places where the Eden Alternative is is place. you will find it very rewarding .
Gods Bless
I will enjoy NZ and be ready to try another facility which is more accepting of our work, when I return to Australia, I love this work it is so enjoyable and hopefully I can volunteer somewhere near where we are living in NZ to keep in the loop
Kind Regards Di