11th Mar 2016
Lifestyle and Volunteer Co-ordinator
I draw a large 3 leaf clover on the white board then put one word of a triplet in one leaf and ask residents to complete the triplet - eg. ready, set..., Tom, Dick....., lock, stock...,mind,, there....., man, woman... the list is endless
I was hesitant at first to sign up for another website for activities, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It has been fun to search all you have to offer and during Covid-19 your site has helped me and our other Life Enrichment Coordinator so much. I truly appreciate all you do and provide. It just gets better all the time. Our residents love the word searches because they are so bold and clear. We have used many of your ideas and I’m so grateful! Thank you!
Jeannie Butcher Life Enrichment Coordinator United States