This comprehensive armchair travel activity includes everything you need for a full day of travel to UKRAINE. Fact files, trivia, quizzes, music, food, posters, craft and more! We hope you enjoy the UKRAINE travelog!
I recently used the Ukraine armchair travel and the participants enjoyed it very much! I played a few videos of the music and dance. Very colorful. I routinely use the This Day in History and something else for my trivia, with the music #1 hits in history I usually play about 60 seconds worth of the music. The feedback is usually great with information about concerts someone attended or what was happening at that time .
Sometimes I fill in my own, this day in history : today I added 1981 NASA launched the 1st space shuttle Columbia which was designed to orbit the Earth.
I love this site, there is always an idea, quiz or craft that I can use or modify for my programs. After 35 years as an Activation Coordinator/Senior Facilitator, I am now semi-retired and running programs for individuals and small groups on Zoom (Mind Challenge/Theme Conversations & Your Story).
Love the forum idea and can see it being a real support to each other - wonderful to see the smiling faces, caring and positive attitudes that this field endangers!
Congratulations and thanks to the Golden Carers Team for a professional and well designed website that is internationally useful and user friendly!
I played a few videos of the music and dance. Very colorful.
I routinely use the This Day in History and something else for my trivia, with the music #1 hits in history I usually play about 60 seconds worth of the music. The feedback is usually great with information about concerts someone attended or what was happening at that time .
Sometimes I fill in my own, this day in history : today I added 1981 NASA launched the 1st space shuttle Columbia which was designed to orbit the Earth.
Thank you, Pam