An audience participation story engages the audience in the story. It is a fun activity that promotes focus and creativity. 
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An audience participation story engages the audience in the story. It is a fun activity that promotes focus and creativity. 


  • Choose Volunteers: Ask for a show of hands to select volunteers for the characters. Seat the chosen volunteers in a row where the rest of the group can see them.
  • Reading the Story: As you read the story, pause briefly whenever the names of the main characters are mentioned and wait for residents to say their lines aloud. They should respond whether their name is mentioned (e.g., Elvis Presley or Elvis).

Characters and Their Lines:

  • Elvis Presley: "Don’t step on my blue suede shoes!" (Elvis should always be moving his hips and point to his shoes when reciting his line.)
  • Jane (the Stage Manager): "A hunka-hunka burnin’ love!" (Jane will put her hands to her heart as she lovingly exclaims her line.)
  • Priscilla Presley: "Love me tender!" (Priscilla will open her arms for a hug when she says her line.)
  • Gus (the Audience Member): "I love Elvis Presley!" (Gus will wave his arms around to get everyone’s attention when he says his line.)

Backstage at an Elvis Presley Concert

The Nashville theater was packed to capacity. Everyone who was lucky enough to score a ticket to the concert was waiting in line to get to their seat. While everyone was excited, perhaps no one was quite as excited as Gus.

You see, Gus had won his concert tickets through a radio contest where he had to be the 345th caller. He had stayed up all night and didn’t allow anyone in the house to use the phone in order to win tickets. His perseverance had paid off and now Gus was in line, getting ready to see the best concert of the year.

While Gus was in line, he noticed a huge bus parked behind the theater. He thought he might get a glimpse of someone famous, so he left the line and sneaked towards the bus.

When he was close enough to the bus, he could not believe what he saw. There, fully adorned in a sequined jumpsuit, was the one and only Elvis Presley.

Gus was too shocked to say a word.

Elvis appeared to be worried about something. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he said. Suddenly, Priscilla Presley appeared. When Elvis saw her, he gave her a hug.

“I’m so nervous about this concert, Priscilla,” Elvis exclaimed. “Everyone knows I can’t go on stage without my lucky beaded microphone. I can’t imagine where I left it. Do you have any ideas?”

“Oh, my loving husband,” said Priscilla. “You are always losing your beaded microphones, blue suede shoes, and sequined capes. Just yesterday, I found your peanut butter and banana sandwich tucked in your songwriting book. You have to start taking better care of your things!”

Elvis looked down. He knew she was right, but that wasn’t going to help him now.

Gus was sorry that his musical idol was sad. But before Gus could figure out how he could find Elvis a new beaded microphone, a woman burst out of the theater door and ran toward the bus.

“Look, everyone,” said Elvis. “It’s the stage manager, Jane!”

“I can’t believe you keep losing your beaded microphone. You’re absolutely perfect in every other way,” swooned Jane.

Jane bent down to open a metal box and began to pull out beaded microphones. At the sight of each one, Elvis shook his head no. Until Jane finally pulled out the last one, a purple and gold beaded microphone.

“Is this one it?” inquired Jane.

“There it is!” cried Elvis. “It’s my lucky microphone!”

“Oh, hurray,” said Priscilla.

“Now the show can go on,” said Jane.

Elvis, Priscilla, and Jane rushed into the theater’s back door. Gus, realizing he had missed his chance to say hello to his musical idol, rushed back to get into the line. There’s no way he was going to miss the concert too!

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Comments   Post a Comment

Kim 10th Jan 2023 Recreational Coordinator
Thank you for this! This was super fun!
Where can I find more like this?
Nicola 8th Jan 2021
This should be linked to Elvis Day I only found it by accident but others might like to use it as part of the fun.
Talita 9th Jan 2021
Thanks so much for pointing this out Nicola! This has now been updated x
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