21st Aug 2013
Activities & Volunteer Coordinator
We're making the flower pot and flowers now for spring. The residents will be able to take them "home" and put them up in their rooms or on their doors (gotta love bluetak!)
All my clients are elderly and their Mum's would have long time passed away. This would be a good project for our clients to do for daughters and sons or family members that visit and care.
I just love love love this site - each time I'm glued to the many and awesome ideas to engage with our seniors. I recently downloaded some of the crossword puzzles and these seniors are fabulous to work with. That is just the tip of the iceberg. In this new chapter of my life, as semi-retired, I am so enjoying my time with seniors and watching them light up; I feel I've found a new niche. It's extremely gratifying. As to the cost of membership, it came out of my pocket - I rationalised that it was only about $3/month, less than many magazines. So keep up the GREAT work!!! Thanks again Golden Carers!!!!!
If this is too much for your residents simplify it or use the pictures supplied here