Hi, We always decorate haircombs and headbands with artificial flowers and feathers for our residents and celebrate on Oaks Day with fashions on the fields. I have discovered through youtube it is easy to curl feathers just like curling ribbons with the back edge of a butter knife.
You can also use large round paper plates and cut the circle out of the middle of these. We bought some great coloured ones at Spotlight to go with the flowers, net & feathers. We also bought bright material to make bow ties for the men which will be attached to stiff paper bibs (for want of a better description) that they will decorate as tuxedos and wear over their shirts for some extra fun.
Construction paper is paper used in kindergartens for projects and craft; some people know it as 'kindergarten' paper, others by construction paper e also cardboard paper. I never used the word 'cardboard' because I believe it implies thicker, rigid paper.Construction or kindergarten paper can be bended and folded easily making it ideal for aged care craft sessions.
I recently made hats for our ladies for oaks day. They were simple to make and the buzz around the facility was great. I used small plastic plates and covered them with tissue paper, servetes and even wrapping paper. I used ribbon, feathers, tule,flowers and straw to decorate. I used hot glue gun to stick on the comb with was attached to the inside of the hat. I have photos if you would like to see but im not sure how to upload on here.
You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.
We always decorate haircombs and headbands with artificial flowers and feathers for our residents and celebrate on Oaks Day with fashions on the fields.
I have discovered through youtube it is easy to curl feathers just like curling ribbons with the back edge of a butter knife.