Sit & See Observation Bus Outing

Sit & See Observation Bus Outing

Shared By Jackie   Australia

Found In: Activities

This is a simple but fun alternative to a sight seeing trip or as we call them a Sit & See. Residents stay on the bus so minimal staff are required.

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Nikki 21st Sep 2021 Selwyn Centre Coordinator
I like the use of pictures and words on the card. I did a similar thing with words only to encourage observation on a 30 minute drive to a waterfront café. (pre pandemic) I added a couple of things at the destination such as yachts on storage shelves and the commuter ferry.
In lockdown I've used this type of card to encourage looking outdoors when Spring was beginning - 3 birds on the lawn, white blossom, a spring bulb in flower.
Another version was focused in the homes of people we'd normally have at our centre. I asked them to mark off things such as a favourite item of clothing, something they inherited, a photo with 3 generations in it. There are so many variations possible with the knowledge we have of the participants and our imaginations!
If treats can't be provided due to physical distance, I have suggested that a treat be had when the card is full - which has included 9 - 12 items to find.
Susan 22nd Sep 2021 Activity Director
Hi Nikki
Thank you so much for sharing this
Mariann 27th Aug 2021 Director Of Activities
Great Idea! Especially now with the pandemic we have to keep our residents away from people outside of our home. We have our own bus so they are going to love this. Thank you..
Talita 24th Aug 2021
This is a wonderful activity to share, thank you Jackie!