28th Aug 2018
Registered Diversional & Recreational Therapist
I organised this with two different groups and each one got very positive feedback. Set the table nicely with colourful tablecothes, lace doilies, fresh flowers, china cups and saucers and little teapots. Sit the residents in a semi circle around table and do one tasting at a time, asking opinions and their thoughts. Give them time to answer and taste before brewing next flavour in a separate pot. I chose 5 teas including some herbal ones and 3 coffees. Keep boxes on table from teas you have brought so they can see and touch packaging. I also got them to smell teabags before brewing to see if they would like to taste as not all flavours appealed to everyone. Residents really enjoyed the whole experience.
I am absolutely thrilled to have found this site. My colleagues and I use the resources daily. I would be lost without it! Congratulations on building a site that just keeps on giving!
Jane Barwick Day Service Supervisor United Kingdom