11th Nov 2015
Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator
This year's version 12 wattle blossoms 11 flying foxes 10 opera singers 9 Manly ferries 8 cruise ships mooring 7 yachts a sailing 6 screaming children 5 harbour bridge climbers 4 rattling trains 3 Rocks convicts 2 old echidnas 1 monorail that runs no more Yes, it is a Sydney version, but you could tailor one to your area.
we have started this activity, and sing after lunch each day. It is really fun, and suprisingly as we do it at the dining table even the residents who usually do not engagfe are joining in. Every body is wondering " what tomorrow picture" will be. Very fun and exciting. Great idea - thank you
20+ FREE Activities
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You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.