I held armchair travel at my facility for the first time yesterday, visiting Thailand as I have just been on holiday. It was a huge success!!!! I had Thai music playing in the background with a diffuser spreading lovely scents through the room. Lots of colourful photographs , clothes, jewelry & other goodies on display . We talked about climate, the flag and other interesting information as well as what I got up to on my holiday. We are going to hold this activity once a month with residents deciding where the would like to travel to
I did Italy in my armchair travel and we decorated with Italian flag bunting as well as the pictures provided by the site (laminated). All cheap and reusable. Served non alcholic wine with lunch and the hit of the day was afternoon tea when we served Panatone.
Hi Jean Thank you for sharing this information Sounds like you had a great time
2nd Aug 2021
Registered Diversional & Recreational Therapist
We recently armchair travelled to Italy, I decorated dining room to make it look like Italian restaurant, and we made home made pizzas, drank cappuccinos and listened to Dean Martin Italian music. Those that didn't actively participate, enjoyed tasting the pizzas and listening to music.
I just love this website. I feel like every time I get on here, I stay on forever. I am always finding something new to try out on our residents. Thank you!
Have you had a look through the Italy category in the multicultural section of the website?
You may find some ideas there.
Love to hear how it goes.
There are some activities on Golden Carers relating to Armchair Travel ideas.
Hope this helps!
These may help you
Thank you for sharing this information
Sounds like you had a great time
This sounds wonderful
Thank you for sharing