Hi Sandra Can you mention where you got the silhouette templates It sounds like you look them up on Google is that right?? This will help Nicola Thanks
2nd Jan 2021
Activity Program Coordinator
Google “silhouette” men or women. Print out on card stock. Let the resident have fun choosing the flowers and gems they want to display on the picture. Hot glue, staple, whatever will make them stick! Have FUN!
3rd Jan 2021
Activity Program Coordinator
Google “silhouette” men or women. Print out on card stock. Let the resident have fun choosing the flowers and gems they want to display on the picture. Hot glue, staple, whatever will make them stick! Have FUN!
Hi Susan sorry I have only just seen your message. yes google women silhouette pictures and a lot will show up...just scroll and print which ones you prefer :-)
Wow Jacqulyn These are great Thank you for sharing
2nd Jan 2021
Activity Program Coordinator
You are welcome!
13th Nov 2020
Activity Program Coordinator
We really had a great time accessorizing these silhouettes. We have had family and friends wanting to purchase them! (Hmmm not a bad idea for a fundraiser!)
Thank you very much to Golden Carers for creating such an informative website. You have assisted me and my colleagues in developing a fun and engaging activities programme that is meaningful and interesting for our Bristol Care Homes residents. You are also our plan B in the event that plan A does not go as planned. We strongly advise all activity workers to join you.
Marcia Ellington Activities Manager United Kingdom