What I personally love about this game, is that everyone knows about money, they love looking at it and counting it!
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What I personally love about this game, is that everyone knows about money, they love looking at it and counting it.

This is a really fun game that will trigger memories and promote discussion.


  • Stimulating brain activity
  • Sparks memories and discussion
  • Fosters social connection

What You Need

  • Small, colorful envelopes – these could be from a local florist, recycled ones from greeting cards, or purchased from a stationary store.
  • 2 Dice
  • Monopoly money


  • Insert different denominations of Monopoly money into each envelope. 
  • Label every envelope with a number from 1-12 (adjust based on number of participants)

How to Play

Round 1

  • Participants roll the dice in turns. They can roll one or two dice.
  • The number they roll determines the envelope they pick.
  • If a number that's already been rolled comes up, they can choose to "steal" that envelope from someone else or roll again (my experience is they do not want to take from someone, they roll the dice again).
  • Once everyone has an envelope, they can look inside. Without others seeing or looking at their money, they count it. Calculators, paper, and pencils can be provided, you will know what your participants require.
  • Who believes they have the most / least amount of money?

Round 2

  • The second round begins with the option to keep their envelope or roll again to swap.
  • If they roll the dice again, they can steal the envelope of the number they just rolled and swap envelopes (hoping the other envelope has more money in it than theirs).
  • At the end, everyone reveals the total amount in their envelope.
  • The person with the most money in their envelope wins a prize!

Discussion Possibilities

  • Changes in currencies over time
  • How the cost of basic goods has changed 
  • The feeling of first earnings
  • Earliest memory of saving money
  • Memories about special purchases or experiences with money 

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Comments   Post a Comment

Lisa Badger 12th Jul 2024
You can also hand out playing cards, instead of rolling dice. Make sure wveryone gets equal # of cards. Then with a second deck that matches the first deck, shuffle and then call the card. If player has the card they can steal someone else's envelope. Same game concept but using cards.
Lisa 23rd Feb 2024
How do they roll a one if using 2 dice?
Susan 24th Feb 2024 Activity Director
Hi Lisa
I suggest if you want to use just one use just one die
Lady minto 26th Apr 2023 Rec
Question... a lot of our residents probably couldn't see well enough to count the money... would I do it for them and just write it down?
Talita 23rd Feb 2024
Participants can choose whether to roll one or two dice.
Tracey 26th Apr 2022 Wellness Director
What if only one or a couple people want to roll a second time? Do you have other envelopes for them to steal if the others do not want to give theirs up? Thank you!
Talita 30th Apr 2022
Hi Tracey, I imagine that even if they don't want to roll again they would have to swap envelopes with someone who rolls and chooses to 'steal' their envelope.
Susan 22nd Apr 2022 Activity Director
Hi Ashley
As with most activities it depends on your residents
What ever they can tolerate and the time frame are the way to determine this
Ashley 21st Apr 2022 Life Enrichment Director
How many rounds do you play?
Judy 1st Oct 2020 Occupational Therapist
Shannon 24th Jul 2019 Activity Director
Amazing idea
Terrie 2nd Jul 2019 Activity Director
My residents love playing the Envelope Game!
Ashley 22nd Apr 2016 Activity Coordinator
I've done this game a couple of times now at the Dementia Unit I work at, and it's worked wonderfully. They really love it! As far as the numbers, I have the 12 envelopes but have numbers 1-6, two times each on the envelopes and that has worked. Thanks for this activity!
chant 25th Mar 2016
Thank you for the gr8 idea. I just downloaded the app!
Mike 8th Mar 2016 Manager
Thankyou, sounds like a fun new game to play and as you say brings on great discussions.
chant 6th Mar 2016
By using the glue gun to either write the number, or make a dice shape on envelopes with the numbers, or making braille marks on envelopes by the use of a glue gun enters that extra sensory dynamic.
chant 6th Mar 2016
Unfortunately, I only ever have played with up to 12 individuals (Usually, several groups of 4-5 participants) thus the 1-12 numbers on the dice.
I guess until I can think of a solution for being able to play with a group of more than 12 individuals, would be to make double or triples of the numbers 1-12.
Or, making several groups of 12, and making that many more envelopes with money.

Roslyn 23rd Mar 2016 Occupational Therapist Assistant
Why don't you use a spinner or use an app like Random Hat Generator to choose the names/ numbers?
Talita 4th Mar 2016
Thanks for submitting this activity Chant!
Just to clarify - how would envelopes that have a number on them greater than 6 be distributed? The rules say that whatever number you roll is the number envelope you pickup (or steal) - so I was just wondering what happens with numbers not on the dice.

Thanks Chant!
Gloria 12th Jul 2019
I guess for that you would use 2 dice.
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