Thank you for this fabulous idea!! Our church senior citizens lunch club were delighted with their 'community quilt'. Everyone made their own quilt piece using coloured and patterned paper (some people needed help) and we put it together to make this wonderful cross -shaped artwork.
I did this on my assisted living unit. They glued the pieces to a plain sheet of paper, then I trimmed them into neat squares and covered in clear contact paper. I arranged all the squares into a nice arrangement and taped them to a piece of tablecloth. I hung it up with a pretty sign in their lobby. Even residents who didn't participate in making it have really enjoyed it. One gentleman requested us to send a picture of it to his daughter who makes quilts herself.
17th Aug 2020
Have been working on this with our residence during our COVID lockdown. I’m now ready to put together and needed information on what you used to put all the quilt square together?
Our residents are enjoying the We're in this together project. Each resident I have visited has enjoyed both making the quilt square and the conversation.
Susan, I do not have any pictures of the garden fence or memorial garden fence, but here is a similar picture I found on Pinterest . I hope this inspires everyone!
We are facilitating the community quilt activity on the eldercare ward at our hospital. Patients love the idea of a long term project, to work on. As staff, we are looking forward to having a positive reminder of what we achieved during the pandemic.
Emma, That's awesome! I am happy to know I inspired you to make a community project. I really does create a sense of unity especially during this pandemic. Happy creating everyone!
I am sending out paper based activity packs to our stuck at home clients, I have included a pack of template, cardboard and coloured paper, from this activity--hopefully I will get lots back and will be able to put them together and display in our library.
Kathie, They will love having something they ALL did "together". I love doing community projects!!! Another one I did years ago was Picket Garden Fence. Each resident painted a 2ft garden picket. I then stapled them to runners across the back to build the fence. We staked them around the community garden. New residents received their picket in their Activity Welcome Basket they received on my first visit with them. After they were finished painting, assistance offered if needed, we added them to the fence. Pickets of residents who passed were added to the Memorial Garden. It was a great way for everyone to come together as a community and remember the ones who passed. Have fun, and send a picture!!!
Hi Brenda I love the idea of the picket fence and the community garden as well as the picket fence in the memorial garden Is there any chance you could send us pictures of these?? Thanks so much for sharing
It's great for reminiscing! I found a book of patterns too. We look through the book and talk about each pattern. I knew a little bit about quilts, but I have learned a ton doing this project.
Thank you for this Brenda We made a quilt similar to this and we put the residents picture one per Square This is good for we are family day which is in March
Thank you for sharing this picture
It is lovely