Here is a newsletter template for August 2024 in WORD format. So easy to edit and customize!
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Golden Carers has 1000s of activities and resources for senior care.

Here is a newsletter template for August 2024 in WORD format. So easy to edit!

If you would like more monthly newsletter templates, please let us know in the comments section below.


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Kathryn 10th Jul 2024 Activities Coordinator
I am starting my role as activities coordinator next week. How useful is it to join..Do you get lots my re information and help .
Thank you
Susan 10th Jul 2024 Activity Director
Hi Kathryn
If you join, you will be so glad you did because there are tons of activities and resources for you to use besides that members can help you with any problems you may have
Natalia Genao 25th Aug 2023
I'm interested in join this wonderful website. I work with a lots of residents that speak Spanish. I was wondering if the daily chronicles can be printed in Spanish?
Talita 25th Aug 2023
Hi Natalia, yes the 'This Day in History' pages are all available in Spanish. You can find them here:
Susan 25th Aug 2023 Activity Director
Daniel 10th Jul 2023 Administrator
I really like the newsletter format because its so easy to use what I want and change or delete what I don't want. The residents enjoy the information and color pictures, jokes, and i get better every month making it as I learn how to customize it to meet the needs of our facility and residents. I had to create a puzzle for July though as there was none given. Anything new addde would be super such as month themed mind games, trivia, word games, math games, guessing games, etc.
Lorna Palmer 29th Jun 2023
I find the templates really useful and would love to keep receiving them. Thank you
Diana 6th Aug 2022
Are the September 2022 templates available?
Talita 6th Aug 2022
Eirlys 12th Mar 2022
Love the help you are giving us Are you able to send me a April newsletter if possible That would be so great
Talita 13th Mar 2022
Hi Eirlys, thanks for your feedback. The April newsletter template is available here:
Kathy 29th Jul 2021 Activity Director
The template is a great ideal and huge timesaver thank you so much.
Talita 1st Aug 2021
Thanks so much for your feedback Kathy!
Michelle 27th Jul 2021 Lifestyle Coordinator
thanks, a template is a great idea. I don't want to use all the pages but I can not find edit template. could you give me some more info. Sorry not very computer literate. thanks Michelle
Maurice 1st Aug 2021
Hi Michelle!

No problems happy to help :)

These are Microsoft Word templates, there is a multi-page and single-page version. If you want to shorten the mutli-page document you simply can highlight the content and remove it as needed.

Let me know how you go!
Rosemary 6th Jul 2021 Caregiver
yes, we would like more Newsletter templates.
please send Newsletter template for July

Thank you
Susan 7th Jul 2021 Activity Director
Teresa 15th Jun 2021 Activity Therapist
Please, I would like to get the August newsletter. Thanks.
Talita 20th Jun 2021
Hi Teresa, did you try downloading it from here?
Talita 11th Jun 2021
The August newsletter template has been updated for 2021. There are 2 versions, a full version and a one-page option. Thanks everyone for your feedback!
Pauline 11th Jun 2021 Activities Coordinator
Thanks for the August 2021 newsletter :)
Pauline 11th Jun 2021 Activities Coordinator
Just looking for the August 2021 newsletter, hopefully it will be soon as I like to be ahead of myself xx
Talita 14th May 2021
Hi Pauline! The August 2021 template will be availalbe towards the end of next month.
Pauline 13th May 2021 Activities Coordinator
I would like an august 2021 template please, I am doing our magazine quarterly and have just successfully created the May to July one using your template. thanks
Monica 19th Oct 2020 Manager Of A Charity For Seniors
I would love to receive more newsletter templates. The August template is superb.
I am especially interested to cover the winter months - October, November, December - January , February, March.
Many thanks
Talita 25th Oct 2020
Hi Monica, thank you so much for your feedback! We are releasing newsletter templates each month - you can find October, November and December here:

Thanks again!
Kensington 11th Aug 2020 Activity Leader
When will the short version of the September newsletter template be available?
Talita 12th Aug 2020
September newsletter templates (long & short) are available here:
Hanneke 5th Aug 2020 Manager Services
I have said it before but I have to say it again: I LOVE THIS!
We just released our first ever newsletter and this template made it so much easier and saved us so much time, thank you.
I would love to see the newsletters that were created with this template to share ideas with each other. Our newsletter is attached
Nikki 4th Aug 2020 Supoort Worker
This is great, such a good timesaver. Thank you
Bev 28th Jul 2020 Lifestyle
This is a great template to use each month thanks.
Hanneke 25th Jul 2020 Manager Services
This is wonderful thank you!!! This helped me so much setting up our own Newsletter. Very easy to customize and add on to, thank you so much! Looking forward to doing this every month.
Anne 25th Jul 2020 Activity Coordinator

I loved the template!!!!
Amy 24th Jul 2020 Administrator
Love this resource! Thank you!

Dumb question...why is the Editor's letter on the awesome August newsletter template in a different language?

Anyway, as an Administrator of a new (small but growing) community, I wear MANY hats and struggle with the monthly newsletter. Thanks for this template!
Talita 24th Jul 2020
Thanks so much for your feedback Amy! 'Lorem Ipsum' is just placeholder text to show you where to place your own content.

Quoting from wikipedia:
'Lorem Ipsum' is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

Thanks again!
Shona Anderson 24th Jul 2020
Great to see the newsletter templates but do you have one in booklet form. This is an awesome resource. This site has helped me in many ways to satisfy my residents.
Talita 24th Jul 2020
Hi Shona, thanks for your feedback! What did you have in mind with booklet form?
You could print it double-sided and then stapel it together like a booklet?
Dawn 22nd Jul 2020 Activities Coordinator
I love the newsletter ideas but do you have a shorter version of basic things like for general updates and for birthdays.
Talita 23rd Jul 2020
Hi Dawn, the next release will include a one page newsletter template too.
Cheree 22nd Jul 2020 Lifestyle Assistane
This is Great! Will there be one of these each month? Newsletters are time consuming and this would be a great help, as is the rest of this site. Thanks.

Kind Regards,
Cheree Turpin
Lifestyle Coordinator

Talita 22nd Jul 2020
Yes, we will relase a new template each month. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter for the September issue!
Kay 14th Jul 2020 Activities Coordinator
Thank you so much for the template! Makes it much easier for tech challenged me to produce something professional looking!
Ruth 14th Jul 2020 Diversional Therapist
Fantastic Newsletter Template I used this and had such amazing feedback from staff and Residents. Thank you
Delane 10th Jul 2020 Director
Yes I love this!! Just what I have been looking for!!
Thank you, please send more!!
Talita 4th Jul 2020
Thanks so much for all the feedback and support - stay tuned for the September installment in the coming weeks!
Sharon 3rd Jul 2020 Activities Coordinator
this news letter template is fantastic please add more ... thankyou for all these wonderful extra tips for us all to enjoy
activity coordinator
Jill 2nd Jul 2020 Activities Director
Can we see one page news letters.
Thank you
Talita 4th Jul 2020
No problems Jill, in the September issue we will include a one page variation.
Fione 2nd Jul 2020 Lifestyle Coordinator
Fantastic Resource
Many thanks for sharing
Yolanda 2nd Jul 2020 Activities Coordinator
I have just signed onto your wonderful site, The information is amazing.

As for the newsletter, is there a way to delete some of the pages, We won't necessarily
put all the information in our newsletter.

Thank You
Maurice 2nd Jul 2020
Hi Yolanda!

That's so lovely, glad to hear it :)

The easiest way to delete a page in Microsoft Word is to

1. Download the file from Golden Carers
2. Open the document
3. If you can't edit the text, click "Edit Template" at the top of the screen
4. Now, find the page/content you want to delete
5. Click and drop the content with your mouse to highlight this content
6. Press Delete on your keyboard

That should be it! Let me know how you go.
Sunya 1st Jul 2020 Activity Director
Yes please include more newsletter templates. Thanks
Lesley 1st Jul 2020 Home Manager
How do I access the monthly newsletter for July please
Lesleah 1st Jul 2020 Christian Science Nurse
Newsletter templates are helpful in at least two ways..
They are idea-inspiring as well as useful just as they are for us to adapt.
Please include more templates?

Thank you!
Sarah 1st Jul 2020 Engagement Worker
Hi, I'd also love to see more. Thanks for sharing x
WENDY 1st Jul 2020 Activity Manager
I would love to see more newsletter templates as I think this is an awesome resource.
Talita 1st Jul 2020
Thank you to everyone who has left feedback regarding the August 2020 newsletter template. This is the first installment, we will keep releasing new templates each month for inspiration. September 2020 will be the next one. Thanks again!
Hamsa 30th Jun 2020 Lifestyle Coordinator
I love love love this ... sometimes I run out of ideas .. please I would appreciate it every month :)
This is awesome would love to have it each month.

Mel Smalle
Activities Coordinator
Wendy 30th Jun 2020 Diversional Therapist
Would love to have more newsletter templates. Wendy McAlpine
MARIA 30th Jun 2020 Activities Coordinator
I would like to see more Newsletters. Great resource for Activities coordinators
kind regards
Maria Batchelor
Gail 30th Jun 2020 Director
I hope you are having a good day ! Please send July newsletter and June .
Gail 29th Jun 2020 Activities Director
looking for a July newsletter
Please and Thank you so much!! Love Love Love this website!!
Tammy 29th Jun 2020 Life Enrichment Coordinator
I would love to see more newsletter templates as I think this is an awesome resource.

Kindest Regards,
Tammy Potter
AL Activity Assistant
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