We play this game in our nursing home. I find it works particularly well for our residents when we use songs and poems, as we sing or recite the words once the residents have named it, allowing for an inclusive activity as more residents to participate, either contributing to the guessing element or joining their peers in a sing along.
Hello everyone, I want to play Hang Man however I am looking for ideas on the same game without the 'hanging'. Our facility has a resident rehabilitating that tried to take her own life. It doesn't feel appropriate. I know it's a long standing game and I play it with my kids when we go out to restaurants.
Hi Donna, how about 'Build a Snowman' instead? Draw a cute snowman that ends with a sad face it the word is not guessed correctly.
1. Largest body circle 2. Smaller body circle 3. Head circle 4. One arm 5. Another arm 6. Top hat 7. Buttons 8. One eye 9. Another eye 10. Carrot nose 11. Last turn - add a smile if the letter is guessed, if not, a sad face.
At our facility, we play the exact same game as hangman but call it wheel of fortune. We draw the blank spaces for a word or phrase, and when a chosen letter is not in the word, we simply write that letter at the top of the whiteboard - no need to draw anything for incorrect letters.
We play a game called 'Confessional Hangman'. I'm not sure where I got the idea from but we use a variety of topics ( ie; proberbs,songs,household items, movies, icons in Australia ect) We have two teams and two different phrases to be solved. I use different coloured whiteboard markers to distinguish between the two phrases so each team doesn't get confused with which puzzle they are solving. We also use the Wheel of Fortune alphabet sheets (with the vowels covered) The clients keep track of the letters their team has chosen by covering the letters with washers as they are called. First team to solve their puzzle gets a tick.
I play a game that is a cross between hangman and wheel of fortune with a memory fitness group I run at a library. We just call it Wheel of Fortune although all we do is guess letters until someone comes up with the phrase. They seem to enjoy it.
I had same problem, so came up with different version called it 'The full monty' (bit cheeky) use cardboard cut out of man hands covering his modesty, then layer him with cut out clothing ie; pants, vest, trousers, shirt, tie, boots, jacket, hat, glasses whatever extra slowly removing items of clothing with each wrong guess, causes a few giggles !! i'm sure they get it wrong on purpose :)
Check out Pinterest - they have some ideas - such as Build a Flower or Praying Man - you draw a man praying instead of a man hanging. We use Wheel of Fortune for ours.
Hi Donna, In winter, I just use a drawing on the white board of a set of long stairs, and a big puddle at the bottom. I made a figure, with an umbrella, hat, gloves, boots with magnets to stick on the white board. Whenever an answer is wrong, he loses a warm clothing item, or he has to step down a step. The residents choose what happens. In summer, the figure has bathers, towel, sunglasses and sun screen, beach umbella and a sun hat- the puddle is full of sharks.
We also play the game wheel of fortune at our facility. The residents love it. We bought the game, which is called wheel of fun, from the magazine S&S Worldwide (I believe). At the end of the game we let the residents buy little snacks with the money they won.
3rd Aug 2018
Life Enhancement Director and Photographer
I have done this game backwards--Build-a-Man--instead of Hangman. It was pretty much the same, Hangman without the noose! We drew in the grass, flowers, birds, the sun, etc. until we had the right answer. :)
My residents love playing this game, and for something a bit different, lately I have been using a theme of "animals", and when we've solved what the animal is, I attempt to draw the animal. The residents ( and other staff) are having a ball watching me draw them. Sometimes they are great, sometimes a disaster, but we all have a great laugh!
Golden Carers has made creating our monthly rosters so much easier with fantastic ideas, games and quizzes to keep my Day Club members entertained and the brain ticking over. Thank you, the membership fee even for our small volunteer group is money well spent. :)