We have game that has scores written on a big square of material (needs to be tough material) and we throw beanie bags at the numbers. You can give prizes for high scores or for the first one to reach 100. You just to put the numbers on, but they must in squares that are marked on the material (like a grid). You just fold the game up when you're done.
We did a similar activity. We used ring toss, buckets for ball toss, and we did sheets of paper with numbers 1, 2 and 3 written on them, place on the floor that residents could toss bean bags on to. We made it challenging by asking them to try and get the beanbag to land on a paper not necessarily easy or close by. The bean bags were numbered 1,2 and 3 and they had to try to toss bean bag 2 on paper 2. We also have an indoor putting green that we've played before for those who are able.
A colleague referred this resource to assist in implementing our activities program many years ago. I felt, I had struck 'gold.' It has been immeasurable in assisting to provide new material and ideas to stimulate our clients. I will be a member for my working life. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this activity
It sounds like a lot of fun and is easily adaptable for different groups